Chapter 45

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Number three, make him pay a price for the things he said about Clarke. Lexa grabbed her keys at the same time someone else did, and they got into a little tug of war. "Oh, I've got them," she said as she yanked them back with much more force than needed, and the momentum caused Lexa's elbow to fly backwards, connecting perfectly with John Murphy's nose, breaking it on impact.

"Oooowww," he cried out, stumbling backwards, his backside landing heavily on the ground, grabbing at his nose as blood gushed forth.

Lexa turned around, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she said. "Is there a doctor in the house?" she called out.

Raven witnessed the whole thing and almost fell off her bar stool laughing.

Lexa pulled a tampon out of her now re-filled purse. "Here, will this help? Isn't this what athletes use?" she asked as she unwrapped it and tried to shove it up Murphy's nose, none too gently, which only led to more moaning from Murphy.

"Ouch, owww no, don't do that," he groaned.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to pinch the bridge of your nose when it's bleeding?" and Lexa pinched his nose, which caused more blood to pour out, and more painful moaning from Murphy. "No, maybe it's ice, you're supposed to put ice on it," and she reached into one of his friend's glasses and pulled out a couple ice cubes and smacked them on Murphy's crooked nose.

"Oh my god," he wailed.

Raven couldn't resist, so she hopped off her stool, and joined in the fun, "Aren't you supposed to put your head down between your knees?" and she shoved his head down, hard enough to bang it on the floor. "Oh shit, who put the ground there?" Raven said, feigning innocence.

"Oww!" Murphy was groggy now, from a possible concussion. His eyes rolled up and then the lids slammed shut.

"Oh god. Don't pass out, if you have a concussion you have to stay awake," and Lexa threw her drink in his face.

"Shit yeah," Raven said as she hopped up, took a pitcher of water from the bar and threw the whole thing on an unsuspecting Murphy. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" she screamed in his face, trying to be helpful.

He sputtered and howled, the alcohol burning his bloody nose, the icy water leaking down his pants.

His friends finally came to his rescue as the girls got up and walked away.

"Tragic situation, could be disfiguring," Lexa said.

"Good thing he's in plastic surgery," Raven replied.

They made it back to the table in time for their salad.

"What was going on over there?" Finn asked.

"Lexa broke Murphy's nose," Raven said casually, sipping her beverage.

Clarke's eyes popped open. "What?" She looked at Lexa.

Lexa winked at her. "It was an accident."

Clarke put her hand up to her mouth to hide her smile.

Murphy eventually made it back to the table just as the dessert was being served, cotton shoved up his nose, his tie askew, blood stains on his shirt.

Bellamy clapped him on the back. "You okay, buddy?"

"You need me to take a look at that?" Finn asked.

"No, I'm good, I'm good," he said, the stuffiness from his nose making his voice muffled.

Octavia glanced over and looked at the mess that was John Murphy. "That's abhorrent."

"Fucking word of the day!" Raven said as she started the group high five.

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