Chapter 26

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Clarke looked around, it was pretty crowded. The sunshine did usually bring everyone out of their houses. She tried to be a friend and think of other solutions. "Wait, I think there's a porta-potty up here, around the curve."

Raven stopped scowling long enough to remember that Clarke was right. "Oh lord Jesus, you're right, let's go, let's go."

They both started power walking down the path, Raven was afraid to go faster, not wanting to spread her legs far, clenching her ass cheeks together.

Clarke offered the only advice she could think of, "Pinch that loaf, pinch that loaf."

"I'm pinching, I'm pinching. Oh god oh god oh god." They rounded the bend and the porta-pot appeared in front of them. "There it is." Raven ran up to it and handed Clarke Roscoe's leash, "Take this, take this, TAKE IT!" She just threw it at Clarke as she pulled open the door.

"Jesus Christ, okay." Clarke bent over, picked up the leash, and looked around. She tilted her face up to the sky, she loved sunny days.

"Oh god," Raven called from inside the john.


"It's disgusting in here. This thing is filled to the top, it's practically overflowing. Gross."

"Stop whining and just go."

"You should see it."

"Stop looking at it, why are you looking at it?"

"Somebody did like a dairy queen curl. How do you do that?"

"Oh my god, you need to stop looking and start going."

"You think they swirled their butt around or something?"

", are we really talking about this?"

"Tell me you don't look when you get in one of these."

"I don't look."

"It's like a train wreck, I can't look away."

"For god's sake, just go already."

"The seat's gross, I can't sit on it."


"And I don't know if I can hover and do this. I can hover and pee, but I have trouble hovering and pooping."

"Why, cause you had ACL surgery ten years ago? Just do it. And stop the commentary, people are coming."

"Okay, okay."

Clarke waited patiently for Raven to finish up, smiling at all the passersby. She felt down right friendly on a sunny day.

Finally Raven came out with a satisfied expression on her face.

"Whew. Oh man. Talk about relief."

Clarke took a whiff of Raven when she took back her leash. "You smell."

"That smells Clarke, that," she said as she pointed to the green john. "It's the bowels of hell in there. Do you have to go?"

"No, I'm not going in there now, not after what you just did."

"Well, it was no dairy queen curl, I'll tell you that."

The girls continued on their walk, Raven much more relaxed now, a little pep in her step. They came up to the baseball fields, which were filled with youth teams, enjoying the nice weather. "Hey isn't that Lexa?" Raven asked, pointing over to one of the fields.

"Where?" Clarke asked. Jesus, could this walk get any worse?

"Over there, walking with that kid. Does she have a kid?"

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