Chapter 2

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(y/n)'s POV:

His sudden question caught me off guard. I thought we will simply seperate ways after he gave me the money for the price of the cleaning. I thought this little encounter will end here and I'm never going to see him again.

"Um... Sorry, what?" I blinked at him, looking all puzzled because my mind didn't entirely processed his words yet.

He smirked down at me. "I was just asking if you would like to have a drink with me. It would be on me of course, just so I could pay you back for my mistake. Ruining your pretty dress that is."

I didn't even notice that my mouth is ajar until he raised his right hand and gently grabbed my chin to close it shut.

As fast as his fingers made contact with my skin, it disappeared with the same pace, his hand resting next to himself in a blink of an eye once again. But there was something about his eyes which distracted me and I felt so embarassed that I didn't understand what he said for the second time either.

So I just went with the flow, hoping that he didn't ask if he could kidnap me or kill me or something like that.

Altough, seeing his face and tall figure, I wouldn't mind it if he kidnapped me to be honest. At least I would look at a hot man every day during my captivity.

"Yes. Sure... Why not?" I smiled at him and hoped on the inside I didn't say anything stupid.

"That's great to hear. Come with me then." He said and put a hand over my back, leading me to the bar counter. "Ladies first." He stepped aside and let me sit down on the exact same barstool whereas I was sitting before we bumped into each other.

I figured that earlier he probably asked if I wanted a drink. I am so stupid...

My drinking partner would have been Noriko if she cane and that accident wouldn't have happened, but this night, this guy is going to take the role of being my drinking partner. Not that I mind though. The only thing I was dying to know was his name. God, I must know his name.

He sat down next to me and waved for the bartender who was just finished with my drink I ordered earlier. "This is on me. I will pay for her drink. And I would like to order a glass of water for myself, please and thank you."

How polite

"Alright." The bartender nodded and took the cash from the guy, then went back to pour a glass of water for him, giving it back to this hot man eventually.

"I thought you would drink wine." I said.

"No, I'm driving. That wine wasn't mine either." He told me. "Your drink, ma'am." He said, gently pushing my glass closer to me over the counter.

Music could be heard in the background, but not too loudly. The lights around us in the bar weren't too bright either, it rather gave a chilling mood to the whole place. Nothing was fancy here, but I liked it.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, then grabbed my glass. I still wanted to know what's his name so I turned back to him, only to see his hand raised in front of himself. He was offering it for me to take.

"Rengoku Kyojuro." He introduced himself.


I hesitated for a few seconds then took his hand. I expected a handshake or something, but he rather pulled it closer to his face, ghosting a kiss on my knuckles as he stared back into my eyes. His movements were careful, yet so enticing.

His fiery orbs held something soft, something sweet. According to his way of speaking and acting, I knew that he was a gentleman, but there was also a hint of dangerousness. It didn't scare me or anything, rather made me more curious. I wanted to know what's behind those mysterious signs I feel.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now