Chapter 46

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(y/n)'s POV:

Holding hands we walked into the forest together with Kyojuro on a stony path that was definitely for this purpose. At least I didn't have to worry too much about tripping and falling. But who knows... I am clumsy as fuck and I can trip and fall on literally nothing or even my own feet.

It was still quite early in the morning and the air was a bit chilly. Nonetheless I enjoyed this moment with him. We were completely alone, aside from the small animals that were hiding in the bushes or on the trees.

"Oh my god look at that! It's so cute." I squatted down on the ground, seeing a tiny squirrel in the middle of the stony path.

I tried to go closer with smaller steps, slowly extending my arm. "Come here. Don't be afraid." I said in a cute voice.

Kyojuro spoke behind me. "Be careful."

I turned over my shoulder and looked at him. "It's just a squirrel. What would it-... Ow!" I yelled in pain since it bit my finger. "You little shit!" I cursed pulling my arm away as the squirrel ran up a tree nearby. "Fuck."

I stood back up and took a look at my finger which was bleeding now.

Kyojuro came closer and gently took my hand in his. He chuckled a bit.

"Hey it's not funny! It hurts!" I complained, pouting my cheeks.

"I told you to be careful." He took out a band aid from his backpack and placed it on my finger. "There you go."

"Thanks..." I smiled. He was so caring. This side of him is the real Rengoku Kyojuro, I know it. The sweetest, the caring, the protective, the kindest person I have ever met. Of course when it comes to our 'fun' times he's different but that's alright. I mean... kind to the public, but a beast when it comes to bed activities. Altough sometimes he's not always like that. Sometimes he's gentle and makes me melt with only a few words or with small neck kisses or a tight hug in the middle of it all.

I love him like I never loved anyone before...

"My brother did the same mistake when we were younger. He tried to get closer to a squirrel like you and it bit his finger. Then he did the same thing with a rabbit. The result was the same. It brings up nostalgic memories for me. That's why it's a bit funny, I can't help it." He chuckled softly one more time.

"But still, don't laugh." I said, laughing a bit myself. "Told you I am clumsy and lame."

"I'd rather say curious, but that's fine. And cute if I may say that." He gently took my hand again in order to continue our little adventure in the forest.

I already knew that he's smart, but he left me in awe when he started speaking about all different kinds of plants, flowers and animals we saw during our way in such details I didn't even know those things he said exist. He even told me a few secrets about how to get out of a forest in case I get lost. I listened to everything he said attentively and learned something new again.

"We are almost there." He announced. The way he begun walking so fast made me curious. He was excited to show me that place he was talking about and I became more and more eager to see it. "Careful." He warned, helping me up on a few rocks, then after a few steps he stopped in front of me. "Close your eyes, darling."

"What? No, I'm gonna trip and fall if I don't see where I'm going."

"I will be your guide. Just trust me, okay?" He requested, leaning forward and kissing my cheek.

I sighed and finally closed my eyes. "It better be great and you better catch me if I fall."

I heard a small chuckle escape him. "Don't worry. Promise it's worth it. Now come. We are going to walk slowly." He stood behind me and told me where to go, one step after another.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now