Chapter 52

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Sanemi was in his most vulnerable state I have ever seen him in right now. I couldn't take seeing him crying like that. It stung my heart and made me feel so much pity for him. He was suffering alone all along, carrying all of the burden on his shoulders.

Little did I know how many times he broke objects in his home and punched holes in the walls that he lost counting the amount of times it happened...

The only sound in the whole VIP room was the soft melody from the speakers and my dear brother's sobbing. The voice itself but the sight were thousands of needles to my heart. I couldn't take seeing him like that...

That's why I stood up from my seat without thinking and bent down to his level, pulling him into my embrace, hugging him tightly to myself in order to comfort him just a little at least.

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered to him, repeating these words a couple of times as if I was chanting a prayer. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

His grip on me tightened slightly and I heard him trying to choke his cries. He's been strong his entire life... He has never shown me this kind of vulnerability. In front of me that is... I didn't know how he handled things when he was alone, because he never talked about it to me before.

After a couple of emotional minutes, the both of us calmed down. Him especially... which I was glad for... and I also let out a sigh of relief now that he's feeling better after letting out his tears and emotions he hid away from me for so long.

When I pulled back from him I smiled at him. He shook his head a little, returning the smile.

"Love ya sis." He muttered.

"I know. I love you too. You don't have to hide anything from me and suffer alone. I'm here for you." My smile widened.

"Tch... Stop the sappy shit already."

He was back to normal and it made me giggle.

He continued. "But thanks..."

"You're welcome." I kissed his forehead and sat back in my seat, opposing him. "You were crying for me, Nemi~" I teased him to light up the mood and cheer him up.

"Tsk... Shut up. I wasn't crying... It was just a bug that irritated my eyes. That little shit." His remark made me laugh. That's exactly what every tough guy like Sanemi would say.

"Yeah yeah whatever... Must have been a pretty big bug if you shed so many tears~" I teased again and he clicked his tongue yet again, rolling his eyes at me.

Just what I expected from him... So stubborn, but cute. I love him and I couldn't be any more grateful than I already am for having such a caring brother like him despite the flaws.


For the next few days I stayed at home. I didn't have to take responsibility for my absence at the university, because Nemi took care of it for me, so I could rest and heal up. I needed it...

If Noriko were to be here she would definitely come to my place and drag me off of my couch and turn off the television like she always did, telling me that watching heartbreaking series on Netflix will only make me more sad than I already am. She would rather take me to our favourite fast food restaurant whereas we always ate lunch and treat me with my favourite dish and dessert even if it was her last money.

I was sitting on the middle of the couch with a big bag of chips in my hand... and many other empty ones in front of me on the coffee table...

I licked my fingers clean from the (fav flavored) chips, finishing it up in a short amount of time. I don't know why but when I'm sad or upset about something I eat junk food. I just eat eat and eat...

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now