Chapter 47

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Kyojuro was halfway done with taking off my clothes, kissing my lips and neck feverishly, our breaths mingling together.

Playfully biting my lip he smirked. "You know what's the best thing in being next to a forest?"

"What?" I asked, working on unbuttorning his pants.

"There are no neighbors. If you know what I mean..." He let out a dry chuckle, grabbing my hands that were almost done taking care of that stubborn zipper too. "Ah-ah, later... I didn't have my dessert yet." Licking the corner of his lips he smirked deviously at me, sending a wink before his lips found my neck, slowly but eagerly moving down to my collarbone.

With his fingers he moved the fabric of my top away to have my breast free for his pleasure since I didn't wear a bra, knowing damn well we were gonna do something tonight too.

Kyojuro took my nipple in his mouth, kneading my other breast with his hand, groaning like an animal in heat. As he slowly made his way down my stomach with wet kisses, he pulled down my shorts. "That's only in the way." He said.

At the same moment when he was about to bury his face between my legs to eat my pussy as if eating his favourite dessert, his phone begun ringing on the table, buzzing like crazy.

He let out a low growl, his shoulders tensing up because of annoyance.

"Just ignore it." I told him, encouraging him to continue by digging my fingers between his thick strands of hair. Soon the ringing stopped.

Through my lacy panties he teased my clit with his mouth, slurping my leaking juices through the thin (f/c) fabric. My breathing quickened at the feeling as he applied more pressure on my pussy with his mouth, his nose also gently teasing my clit.

"F-fuck~" I moaned, throwing my head back, my grip tightening on both his hair and the edge of the kitchen counter.

However... the phone rang again...

Kyojuro pulled away with anger evident on his face. "Who the fuck calls me this late?!" He muttered under his nose, standing back up on his feet. Turning to me he stole a quick kiss from my lips, before walking to the table to answer the call. "Sorry baby, promise to make it quick."

I sighed, getting annoyed by the situation just as much, watching him from afar.

Whoever the hell interrupted us... I hope you have a good fucking reason for this horrible timing...

"Dammit why now..." I heard him curse under his breath once he glanced at the screen, pinching the bridge of his nose before he finally answered the phone. "Hello?"

He walked to the window, listening to the person on the other end of the line. An annoyed sigh left his lips. "There are exactly 7 other people on the team who you could have called. I told all of you clearly that I wanna be free and undisturbed for a wee-" he stopped mid sentence. "Wha-... No I-" he lightly hit the wall with his fist. "You got to be fucking kidding me."

I listened to his words attentively. Whoever called him, probably told him bad news that made him this upset.

"No, I can't-..." he groaned. "Fuck..." then sighed again. "You know what? Alright... But you fucking owe me one... Yeah, I'll be there."

What? Where???

Kyojuro hung up and put his phone into his pocket, fixing his pants as he walked up to me again, placing his hands beside me on the counter on both sides.

He took a deep breath before looking up at me. "(Y/n) darling..."

"Don't you dare tell me you have to leave." I slowly shook my head, feeling in my guts that the worst is about to come.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now