Chapter 13

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Author's note: readers discretion advised 😘 2600 words of sinning is awaiting you.


(y/n)'s POV:

When I replied to him saying that I want it rough, I didn't think about the consequences of something... At that moment I forgot that I am supposed to meet my brother in the weekend and since I asked Rengoku to be rough with me I will probably be walking with trembling legs for days.

But it's Rengoku's fault that I became this needy because of his teasing he did with me during the entire week...

"We should move this to the backseat then. It's more comfortable." He husked, running his hands up and down my thighs.

"No. I don't want to wait." I insisted, claiming his lips as I was working on unbuttoning his shirt.

What I didn't notice that he was already making space for us to go on the backseat with his free hand by changing the position of the passenger seat, turning it forward.

He pushed me away and nodded his head towards the space behind him. "Climb over there for me." A chill danced down my spine from the sound of his voice. It was obvious that I have no other choice but do as he says.

So climbing my way on the backseat he used the opportunity to slap my ass, mumbling some more dirty words under his nose before climbing over himself.

The back of his car was kept clean, and there wasn't a single crumb or speck of dust anywhere. It was the perfect scene for the activities we were about to do for the next couple minutes.

I didn't waste any second and I shifted around, maneuvering myself so I would be on top of him as previously on the driver's seat, thighs resting on either side of his legs. I then placed my hands onto his shoulders, continuing what I started. Working on taking off his shirt that is.

"Aren't you needy?" He chuckled at my desperation, but I ignoredb it.

Rengoku's hands moved to my waist, and towards my hips. "It's your fault though." I breathed out, finally removing his shirt, revealing his well-toned upper body.

"You know very well why I punished you, or should I remind you?" He harshly squeezed my ass, sneaking his other under my clothes to cup my breast. "You had to learn your lesson to be obedient and respectful towards your proffessor."

I should be concerned about myself for finding his possessive side attractive...

Goosebumps flared on my skin when Rengoku's fingertips ghosted over my inner thighs. He could feel how feverish my skin was. I was clearly turned on by his actions, and he was going to take advantage of that. He wanted to show me that no other guy could take me like he could. He was the only one that could fuck me so good until I screamed. And that was the truth.

"I'm gonna show you that you're mine..." He whispered. "Do you want that?"

My cheeks were burning from his words. Nonetheless I nodded my head, desire clouding my hues. "Yes. Please show me." I grinded my hips against his crotch, which was painfully hard from all this lack of satisfying each other.

Rengoku groaned from the friction I created against his bulge. He could see that I was desperate, and he was going to take care of that. Not that I kept my desires a secret in front of him.

Without warning, he placed his palm against the back of my head, forcing my head towards his where our lips connected. A fiery and deep kiss blossomed between the two of us. It was enough to cause a rush of excitement to erupt in my belly.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now