Chapter 45

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(Y/n)'s POV:

The next morning our second day at Kyojuro's family resort has begun. He was already out of bed by the time I woke up.

"6 am." I muttered as I took a look at the time on my phone. "Why the hell is he up already so early in the morning?"

I yawned and stretched my limbs till I heard my bones pop before I got up and put away the futon we were sleeping on during the night. It was surprisingly comfortable or perhaps I was too tired to care after what we did in the hot springs last night. Whichever was the case I had a good sleep.

It was so long time ago when I woke up to the sounds of nature instead of the traffic down the streets or my neighbors yelling. It was so peaceful, so I took a moment to enjoy it. The soft rustling of the leaves on the trees outside, the birds chirping and the sound of the little fountain in the fish pond... It calmed my nerves. It was really nice.

Making my way towards the kitchen I heard something outside, so I took a look and saw a shirtless Kyojuro next to one of the training dummies. He had a focused expression on his face and even though I barely knew anything about martial arts, even I could see that his movements were flawless. He was so good at it.

When he showed me the training room yesterday I understood in an instant where did his good physique came from. He must be training a lot to keep himself in shape. I mean... how else would he have all those delicious muscles if he didn't??

And all of them are for me to touch...

A small smile crept up on my face as I kept watching him for a few more moments before I continued my way down the halls towards the kitchen.

I should cook something for breakfast. Kyojuro will certainly be hungry once he finishes his training.

I remember that he packed a lot of vegetables and fruits along with other food since there are like no shops around here. Not that I mind though, because I like this peace. Reminds me of my childhood with my brothers, Sanemi and Genya and our mom before everything changed due to that accident...

(Quick author's note: I know there were much more siblings in the family, but in this fic only these 3 exist within their family. Genya, Sanemi and y/n that is. Besides, this is my fic, so I write what I want 🤷‍♀️)

We used to live in a smaller village. It was almost as modern as the city whereas we are living right now, but it was less noisy and there weren't any skyscapers to block the view. Same as here in the resort, but this is even more beautiful. I always wanted to go on a vacation to a more traditional place in the country, because I admire the beauty of the traditions, the architecture and our culture in Japan. So we could say this was a dream come true. I can take this one out of my bucket list.

In the cupboards I found everything I needed to prepare our breakfast. I didn't want to do anything too fancy, but I wanted to make it delicious. Secretly I wanted to impress Kyojuro, since I never had the chance to cook for him before. I wanted him to like it. That's why I put more effort into what I was cooking than usual.

Little did I know that I already had an audience behind me by the door, watching my every movement...

I was too focused to notice Kyojuro however and I continued what I was doing as if he wasn't there.

Stirring the food in the frying pan was the moment when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me. "Hey there, my gorgeous angel." He said softly, burying his face in my neck.

And even though he was gentle enough not to startle me, he still did, catching me off guard. "Ah!" I yelped, almost dropping the wooden spoon from my hand.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now