Chapter 15

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(y/n)'s POV:

I-... I mean we... did it everywhere. Not only in my bedroom. On the couch, on the floor, in my kitchen, the bathroom... Literally everywhere in almost all possible positions.

If you know what I mean...

By the clock hit 3 am I passed out in my bed next to him after the nth round. Who counts? I had school the next day anyways, so that few hours of sleep was necessary. I was certain my legs would be like jelly the next day and I also saw many hickeys and bruises in the mirror when we went to the bathroom together to take a shower. That was just the beginning of this long night, so probably there will be even more in the morning if I would take a look again.

The amount of foundation I will need to hide them... God...

Lucky thing that my alarm is set for the entire week, so I don't have to bother about it.

However I woke up before it rang, so I turned around to crawl my way to the other end of the bed in order get closer to Rengoku. With closed eyes I tapped the sheets with my hand to search for him. By the time I realized he wasn't lying next to me I was on the other end of the bed.

Opening my eyes I got up in a sitting position and stretched my arms until I heard my bones pop. My limbs were sore. They were weak and my insides were surely not in their place, because my proffessor made sure he would thoroughly rearrange them with his d-...

"What is this?" I muttered to myself, finding a piece of paper on the pillow.

'Sorry for leaving without telling you. I had an urgent call. Family stuff... I will call you when I will be free. Be a good girl. R.K.'

It took me some time to register what I just read and when I did, I yelled; "Are you fucking kidding me???"

This bastard left without batting an eye. He always did this whenever we had sex. On our first encounter, in the bar's bathroom and now this??? You gotta be kidding me...

It didn't take long for me after this to become angry as fuck, switching from the good mood I had.

"I will call you when I will be free." I mocked his words, speaking to myself as I got up from my bed to search for clothes in my closet. "You can fuck your call... Bitch..." I muttered under my nose, throwing the clothes on the chair beside my bed which I've chosen to wear today.

I went to the bathroom, taking care of my morning routine as I let my rage out on everything around me. This stunt Rengoku pulled again pisses me off. I thought he wouldn't do this now, but how wrong I was.

"Family stuff my ass..." I muttered to myself as I put my shoes on myself at the entrance, ready to go to the university. "I bet he's lying..."

I had a feeling that this was the first excuse he could think of when he wrote this note for me. He left without leaving any trace behind himself. As if he wasn't in my apartment for long hours yesterday.

"Fucking asshole..." I kept cursing him under my breath as I walked to the bus stop.

A few minutes of travelling later Noriko got on the bus as well and sat down next to me. I always occupy a seat for her if I have the chance by the way. She was chirping in my ear, talking about everything in general. Me on the other hand just kept nodding to whatever she said. My brain couldn't focus on her words.

That is until she snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. "Earth to (y/n). Are you there?" She asked, raising a brow at me.

Slowly getting back to reality from my thoughts, I turned to her. "Umm... Sorry, what?" That was all I managed to say. My sleepiness and soreness from last night didn't help me in this case either.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now