Chapter 31

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Author's note: More than 2400 words awaiting you in this chapter, so it's a bit longer than usual.


(y/n)'s POV:

As I was making my way out of school I opened my phone to call my brother. It took almost a minute for him to answer me.

"Hey, sis. What's up?" He asked.

"Hi. What do you mean what's up? Did you forget what day it is today?" I questioned. He is busy with his work a lot but he always remembered what kind of anniversary was on this certain day.

I heard him clearing his throat. "Ah, right... Sorry. I was just so caught up with everything else in the last period of time."

I sighed as I walked into the parking lot to get in my car and go home as soon as possible. "It's fine... So. Are we meeting up later?" I sat in the driver's seat, closing the door and waited for him to answer.

"Yeah. I'll pick you up about an hour later if that's fine with you too. Are you home yet?"

"No. Classes just ended. I'm about to go home." I told him, playing with the hem of my shirt as I looked out of the window.

"Alright. Meet ya an hour later then. Bye."

I said goodbye to him too before hanging up. Then I took my car keys out of my pocket and started the engine, soon driving off, going straight home.

Mentally I had to prepare myself for this... It was never easy ever since that accident happened all those years ago, but this was the least we could do for our family.

I washed my face the moment I stepped into my apartment. Once... Twice, then looked up in the mirror, noticing those two little pictures attached to the corner.

I took them off and stared at them for long minutes, stroking it's surface gently. It was a picture of mom and me and an other one with Sanemi, Genya and me hugging each other.

Till this day it was pure torture to see these pictures, but I only had a few of these kind of photos left of our family. It always reminded me about the car accident, memories of all the blood and screams and pain flashing in front of my eyes. However from time to time I felt the urge to watch these pictures. Seeing my brothers' smiles and seeing our caring mother... it helped me to calm down. But it also caused me pain at the same time.

I felt so vulnerable at this certain day all the time. Fortunately I could keep up the facade throughnout the day and only burst out crying at home. Like right now... sitting on the floor of my bathroom, staining my blouse with my tears whilst my hands were shaking, holding onto the pictures that were so dear to me.

I didn't even notice the loud banging nor the doorbell Sanemi caused in order to get inside. He used his spare key and let himself in.

"(Y/n) what the hell? Why didn't you-... Oh..." He yelled at first, but then his loud voice vanished when he noticed me in the bathroom. Without asking anything he kneeled down beside me, pulling my head to his chest as he tried to comfort me with his whispered words, stroking my head gently.

"I miss them so much..." I sobbed.

Nemi replied in a quiet and gentle tone. "I know... I miss them too..."

"Why did it have to happen this way. It's so unfair..." My grip on his clothes tightened. We were sitting on the floor now for likehalf an hour.

Sanemi knew very well that nothing but the memory of our terrible car accident and the loss of our family could make me this weak. Every single year it was always like this. I cried my eyes out while he tried to comfort me. Comforting other was never his strength, expect when it came to me. I was certain that his heart shattered each time he saw me like this, but he remained the stronger half for my sake. He was my dear, peotective brother I could lean on no matter what. He was my only family left.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now