Chapter 34

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(y/n)'s POV:

After what happened with my brother, I had to know what was his source of these informations. My first thing to do in the evening was to call Tengen and ask him about it. I told him what Nemi said to me.

He sighed on the other end of the line. "I had a feeling he would lecture you. It's true that he told me to stay away from you... I just couldn't. I like you too much-... No... I love you too much to keep distance."

I sat down on my bed and listened to him with full attention. Everything became so complicated and fucked up. Despite Nemi's warning I also went after my head and where my hormones led me. Both Kyojuro and Tengen were way too irresistible not to let myself get dragged into this naughty life.

Shit... What am I gonna do now...

Tengen continued. "I completely understand if you wanna break up. After all-"

"No." I told him simply.

I wanted to listen to Nemi and rather focus on studying but how could I push away someone I am head over heels for? He can't expect me to really do that. I need Tengen, I want him... If I fuck this up, then probably there won't be any more chances like this in the future.

"No?" He asked, clearly sounding surprised and I figured that he assumed I would break up with him after all of this.

"Yes. Although... There's a few things we need to discuss. Can you come over? Please..." I requested him.

"Oh... Sure."

After that we hung up and I fell back on my bed. There was so much going through my mind. I had so many questions and there were so many things that weren't clear.

I got up from my bed and headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Ever since Noriko mentioned that all you can eat discount I was hungry as fuck, then Sanemi distracted me with this shit, but now I can finally eat something.

"I have to go shopping groceries. I'm running out of literally everything." I muttered under my nose as I was searching for something in the almost empty fridge.

Eventually I grabbed a jar of leftover jam, two slices of bread and ate toast with my favourite strawberry jam on top of it. By the time I was finished with eating and cleaning up there was a knock on my door.

Wiping my hands dry I yelled that I'm coming, making my way to the entrance of my apartment to let Tengen inside.

He came in, greeting me with a small peck on the lips.

We sat down in the living room, discussing about the recent events again but this time it was a face to face conversation. I preferred talking about serious stuff this way. Tengen understood it too.

"What else you wanted to talk about?" He asked as I snuggled closer to him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, planting a sweet kiss on top of my head.

"My brother is right about the studying part. I have to focus more on it, so... I need you to understand that there will be times when I can't meet up or talk to you. The university is important to me and this is my last semester there... That's one more reason why I must focus so I wouldn't fuck up. Besides... Sanemi is the one who pays nearly a fortune for my studies. That's the least I can do in exchange for him. To finish my studies as I should that is." I explained.

He stayed quite for a few moments before showing me a genuine smile. "It's understandable. I should have realized it too. Guess I'm just too into you." He smirked, causing me to giggle.

However that giggle died down along with my smile as I looked away, because there was one more thing I wanted to ask from him. A question which kept repeating in my head like a broken record. Something important that stuck in my mind recently.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now