Chapter 48

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(y/n)'s POV:

"...Noriko if you get this message, call me as soon as possible. You are making me worried, girl." I left the nth voice message for her. I sent like a million texts too but received no answer.

The only person who answered me was my brother. I told him about my concerns and at least he could calm me down a little. He told me that him and Noriko met in the middle of the week during the break.

"Was it a date?" I asked him excitedly, holding the phone to my ear.

"I-... Stop asking idiot questions dammit." He replied. I could clearly hear the shyness in his voice. It was so cute.

I giggled. "It was!"

"Shut up!"

That was enough proof for me to know that they indeed had a date. However that still didn't explain why doesn't she reply to my messages or pick up the fucking phone. Knowing her, the first thing she would do after a date is to call me and tell me about it. Perhaps she didn't do that because she thought I was still with Kyojuro, but for now she should have seen my texts. The application says she wasn't online for days now and I was worried for her.

"Hey, Nemi." I called out to him.

"Yeah yeah it was a date. Happy? Stop fucking nagging me about it."

"No no, not that, but I'm glad you admit it." He only 'tsk'-ed on the other end of the line. Then I continued. "Have you talked to her ever since? 'Cause I cannot reach her. She doesn't reply to my messages and doesn't pick up my calls either."

"No, I haven't. I was busy with work until now." He said.

"I see..." Meanwhile I arrived to the university. "I gotta go now. I hope she came to school. If not, I will check up on her."

"Alright. Be good or I'm gonna kick your ass." He chuckled.

"We both know you wouldn't do that."

"Just take care, 'kay? Wouldn't want my little sis get in trouble or something. Bye."

"Yeah, I know. Bye, love you." I told him.

"Love ya too." He said, then hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket, an exasperated sigh escaping my lips. I was worried and I hoped that Noriko was already in the classroom. So instead of doing my morning routine of sitting on the bench under the tree in the garden of the university building, I rather hurried to the classroom where our first lesson will be held later.

"Miss (l/n), could we speak for a word?" One of my teachers called out to me.

When I am busy and hurrying... When else?

I stopped, forcing a friendly smile on my face. "Of course. Good morning."

"I have finished reading the essays you and your classmates wrote and I was wondering. The task was to write a 5 page essay and you wrote 10 pages."

Is that bad now or?...

This woman always makes me confused whenever she brings up such a subject. When I wrote that essay I felt like writing more. 5 pages were not enough for me to write down everything I wanted.

"Yes. Is it a problem?" I asked her.

"No no, on the contrary. Many students wrote 4 or 4 and a half pages. Barely a few of you could write 5 pages as I requested and then I found yours. At first I thought I am holding 2 students' work when I realized that you wrote much more than required. What I wanted to say is that I am utterly impressed. It was really a joy to read every single sentence."

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now