Chapter 32

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(y/n)'s POV:

In the evening after that argument with Kyojuro, I've been chatting with Tengen whilst sitting in my bathtub, having a relaxing time.

The water was as warm as I liked it. I also lit up some scented candles and put my favourite bath salt in the water to help me relax.

A new message popped up on my screen, from Tengen. 'Whatcha doin sweetheart?'

I smiled and tapped on the selfie button inside our chat, taking a quick picture for him of my legs placed upon the end of the bathtub, small bubbles sticking onto my skin here and there.

He gave a heart reaction for my picture, three dots appearing shortly after the selfie I've sent for him, soon a short message appearing on my screen. 'Wish to be there instead of your legs heh.'

I could feel the smugness in his message, not to mention that salivating emoji he put in the end of the message.

One more message from him appeared. 'Why don't you show me a picture from front?'

I giggled and begun typing. 'Only if you send a picture to me too.' Biting my lip I was waiting for his answer which shortly arrived in a form of a picture... Of his legs... This dude...

I was stunned for a second then burst out laughing, barely able to text him back. 'Fair enough.'

He sent some laughing emojis, then told me to stick to my promise and send a picture from front, so I did, taking a picture of my face and a little of my upper body which was covered up in bubbles.

'You're so pretty. Those bubbles are pretty lucky and also in the way hehe.' he wrote.

'Your turn.' I told him, ignoring his silly comment.

He sent a selfie to me too, causing me to giggle some more and bite my bottom lip.

I'm not gonna lie, he's pretty hot and no one can convince me otherwise.

And I didn't think I would do such a thing but this continuous picture exchanging led us into more and more deep into even more bold pictures and texts. The chatting turned into sexting and we just couldn't stop ourselves.

Tengen had a talent in dirty talk I knew that, and I couldn't stop myself after a while, ending up fingering myself due to all the dirty stuff he wrote to me. Not to mention those super hot pictures he sent me. Damn...

A small while later when the water became cold I stepped out, dried myself and dressed up into my pajamas to go to bed.

Kyojuro's words about Tengen popped up in my head.

'That dude has 3 wives for fucks sakes.'

I stopped for a moment to think about it... This statement sounded so ridiculous. How could anyone have 3 wives? In the past maybe... but we live in a modern world... or maybe...

No... I doubt this is true...

I mean, how could anyone have 3 wives? Tengen is an attractive man yes, but 3 woman? Perhaps in the past he might have messed around like that. I can totally imagine it, but he said he's serious about me. If he really had 3 wives, then how would he be able to hide it for so long? I just can't imagine it. He spends a lot of time with me, we chat. He never lied to me... He also stated that he's single. Why would he need a 4th wife if he already had 3 anyway? It doesn't make sense at all...

All I can conclude is that Kyojuro is the one who's lying to me. It wouldn't be the first time, so I'm not surprised, but I didn't think he would stoop so low to make up a ridiculous story like this. As I said to him too, it's absurd. The whole thing is absurd...

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now