Chapter 16

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(y/n)'s POV:

The guy who tried to rape me got up from the ground, attempting to punch my savior who caught his fist midway of his punch, then the white haired male who saved me headbutted him. The rapist fell on the ground again, but this time he didn't get up. Probably he fell unconscious.

"Shit... Fucking idiot." The tall male muttered under his breath, turning to me in the meantime. "Causing trouble..."

I completely forgot that I was almost half naked. I was too focused on watching how this man saved me from something horrible.

"You okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked, approaching me, genuinely concerned about me. It was nice of him even though we don't know each other.

I shook my head. The man in front of me was even taller than the rapist and I felt so small because of that. "I'm alright. Thanks to you..." He stepped in front of me and grabbed my clothes that caused me to flinch for a moment. "What are you-" I pushed myself back on the wall to have a little space.

"I'm just fixing your clothes." He cut me off. "Heh, funny." He chuckled, pulling my training pants up and pulling my shirt down to hide my half-exposed body.

"What is?" I blinked up at him cluelessly.

"Usually I take women's clothes off and not dressing them up. You're the first." He laughed a bit, trying to light up the mood with his joke, then locked eyes with me.

I stared back at him, freezing on my spot. His pink eyes were something I have never seen before. They were beautiful and so out of this world. I've never seen such a unique pair of eyes like his.

Noriko was right. Good-looking guys are around the corner in this place.

"What happened here?" An unknown voice called out from the entrance of the locker room, two other people following him.

"Is that blood?" A woman slapped her hands over her mouth in shock, almost fainting by the sight.

We explained what happened here and they were quick to call the police. It was for the best in this situation. This guy who wanted to rape me, moreover in a public place deserved to be taken away by the police.

By the time they arrived he woke up, immediately getting questioned by the officers. They asked about the situation from me too of course and I told everything detail by detail till the moment the white haired man saved me.

"She's lying! She's only saying that to get me arrested! She wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted to fuck her. Why don't you tell the truth woman?" He yelled, his hands already handcuffed behind his back.

"What? You wanted to rape me!" I yelled back to him.

The officers looked at my savior, questioning him to explain the situation. "Mr Uzui?"


"I was about to come to the locker room to take a shower when I heard muffled voices of a female and someone telling her to shut up. When I arrived here that guy was forcefully undressing this poor woman." He pointed at the guy. "It was clear that she didn't want any of this, that's why I stepped in and punched off that rapist." He explained.

The guy laughed. "She likes it rough. She wanted it not me."

It's true I like it rough, but not with you idiot...

"Really? Then what's her name if you know her so well?" Uzui crossed his arms, questioning him.

The guy froze and the smug grin disappeared from his face he wore mere a second ago. He didn't say anything in response, just looked away, cursing under his breath.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now