Chapter 1

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(y/n)'s POV:

Being a university student is not easy. You have to learn a lot of stuff, even the unnecessary things too, just so you will pass through the current semester. If you don't learn enough it's almost impossible to do that.

Unless you have a good relationship with your teacher...

By that, I mean there are a few classmates I have who are going for 'extra lessons' to get a better grade. Not only women do this, but men too. Most of the students are very lazy to learn and rather go to parties all the time, get drunk and do drugs and such.

We all know what extra lessons mean... Fucking your teacher... That's what it means.

I would never stoop so low...

I want to get a good grade for my hard work rather than sleeping with any of my teachers. There are hot ones I must admit, and sometimes I had dirty imagines about the good-looking professors, but I would never fuck any of them. It's inappropriate.

Currently there was a break between the semesters and I could rest. My best friend, Noriko always nagged me to go to a party or a bar with her, but I was never the type to attend to such places. It wasn't really my world. I prefer reading books or listening to music, watching movies at home.

I just love being a lazy ass to be honest...

I would never be a role model for anyone with the habits I have, but at least I'm good at learning. I'm not the smartest student obviously, but my grades are pretty good and I'm proud of that.

I'm proud that I didn't have to fuck any of my teachers to have this good grades.

Altough, there are a few students who thought and said I'm lying and I'm sleeping with most of them which was not true of course. I never cared about those rumors though, but sometimes it was annoying to hear them.

"Come ooon, please. Please come with me, (y/n). It's only one night. You must try out something new other than sitting on your ass at home." My best friend, Noriko begged for me to go with her to a bar today.

She was one of the students who were going on those certain 'extra lessons' by the way. She was never good at maths and she would have already failed if she didn't spread her legs for the math teacher. I never judged her though. It's her own business afterall, not mine.

"But I don't want to..." I whined.

We were eating our lunch at our favourite fast food restaurant near the campus. We loved to go there almost every day. Sometimes we even got discount from one of the guys who worked here. He asked me out a thousand times already, but next to the university and learning, I don't have time for a relationship. Fortunately he understood that, but he's still trying hard just in case I changed my mind. Not in a foreceful way of course.

"This is our last week before the new semester starts. Pleeeease! I promise you will love it! There will be a ladies night too, meaning there will be 50% discount for all of the drinks for us, ladies. Come on, (y/n)!" Noriko clasped her hands together and showed me the cutest puppy eyes I ever saw her making.

I reconsidered what she said and sighed. She was right. This was our last week, rather our last weekend before we had to dive back into university life again. I relaxed enough in front of the television as I laid over my sofa, watching my favourite shows, during my holiday.

"Alright..." I boredly agreed and took a sip from my favourite milkshake I ordered earlier.

"Really?" She squeaked happily. "Did I hear that right?"

"Yes..." I told her, taking the last bite of my hamburger in my mouth.

"Yay! I'm so happy!" She exclaimed and I noticed people around us weirdly raising their brows at Noriko's enthusiasm which made me smile. She was always so energetic and I loved her for that.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now