Chapter 43

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(y/n)'s POV:

After we successfully escaped from my old neighbor, Mrs. Kamiya's dumb stuff, we got inside Kyojuro's car. For a few seconds the both of us were silent.

I broke the ice between us and told him that she's always like this. She always jumps into conclusions before asking and makes up stuff by herself. It can be quite annoying sometimes and right now it was totally embarassing. Fortunately Kyojuro understood.

Don't get me wrong, she can be sweet and kind, but at times, one could kill her right then and there when she's saying such stuff. She already made me embarassed in front of my brother and now she did it with Kyojuro too.

Meanwhile I told the stories to him, he drove us towards our destination. He was focused on driving most of the time to get us there safely and I appreciated his wariness. Occassionaly while we were still in town, whenever there was a red light, he took a moment to give me a quick kiss or placed his hand on my thigh affectionately. He was so sweet I could barely hold myself back from jumping in his lap to the driver's seat and hug and kiss him till our last breath. The feeling to be loved by him was incredible...

I've never really been to the mountains before, so I was looking forward to this little vacation with him. The smile on my face was undeniable the whole way until we got there.

At first I thought we would be somewhere very high and that our surroundings would be full of snow, but no. It was a bit colder up here, but nothing I couldn't bear with.

"Wow!" I looked around in awe after we got out of the car. There was a smaller mansion on the middle with a beautiful garden. "Are those wisteria trees?" I asked him as he stood beside me.

"Yes. They look so pretty around the mansion, don't they?" He replied with a warm smile. I nodded to his question and he continued. "This place is my family's. When me and my brother were younger, our parents took us here often and our father trained us right here in this place."

I turned to him curiously. "Your father trained you?"

Now I understand where all those muscles come from...

"Yes. It's kind of a... family tradition." He explained.

This is just another little detail about him, but I was so happy to know this too now. From now on I hope I will learn more details like this about him.

I've already met his mother and she's such a sweet person. I bet his whole family is just as nice. He mentioned a brother. Is he younger or older, or are they around the same age perhaps? I wanted to know all of it.

"You mentioned that you have a brother. How old is he?" I asked curiously.

"Ah, he's much younger than me. He's 12 years old. His name is Senjuro."

Aww I bet he's just as sweet as his older brother.

Kyojuro showed me around the place from the inside too. It was a traditional japanese style resort with a couple of bedrooms and bathrooms and a huge kitchen. He also told me there's a hot spring nearby, something I definitely want to try out later. It was still quite early in the afternoon, so we had a lot of time before evening.

We took our belongings inside one of the rooms. He let me choose whichever room was to my liking and so we will be staying there. It was a difficult choice though, since all of the rooms were breathtaking. How could I choose between perfection and perfection?

The room was spacious, futons waiting for us in the evening to use for sleeping. The paper screen doors were decorated with a beautiful pattern of traditional japanese style art.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now