Chapter 24

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(y/n)'s POV:

Oh shit, should I pick it up? Tengen is calling me on phone... Damn...

Reaching the gate of the university I took a look around for no particular reason before picking the phone up. "Hey there." I greeted him.

"Ah, hey there babe. What's up?" Even through the phone... his voice gives me goosebumps.

I begun walking again, towards the bus stop. Yes, I have a car now, but I won't use it every single day to go to school.

"I just finished at the university for today and I'm on my way to go home." I told him, twirling a strand of hair between my fingers unbeknowst to me. "What about you?"

He chuckled. "Sweet. There's no news on my side either. Just the usual..." he coninued after a short pause. "Wanna go on a date? It's been a while."

I halted to a stop for a second, thinking about his offer. I need something to distract myself from the shit that just happened with Kyojuro. Guess Tengen could make me laugh and distract me from my negative thoughts.

"(Y/n), you there?" Tengen asked because I was silent for too long.

"Yeah yeah I'm here. Sorry." I apologized. "I mean... sure. I think that's exactly what I need now after such a tiring day like today."

"Well to be honest, it wouldn't really be a date, but... You know, there's a guy I know who holds a party today. He owns a cool place. I know you told me you are not a party animal, but I thought you wanted to blow off some steam. University and learning and other school stuff must be tiring."

I could clearly hear the hesitance in his voice, because yes, I told him last time I am rather a netflix and chill kind of person. However maybe for this once I could go and have a good time. Tengen would be there too, so what can I lose?

He spoke up again. "It's fine if you don't want to though. I completely understand. We can-"

I giggled, cutting him off. "Actually, I wanted to say yes. I can't just stay at home all the time anyway. As you said too, I need to blow of some steam."

I couldn't believe that I was saying these words. What's gotten into me that I wanted to go to a party which is filled with drunk and high young people? A place where music is too loud and-

"Really? Cool. I'll pick you up at 8 pm kay?" He asked.

"Yes. I can't wait."

No, this is not me. I don't want to attend to such a party... But... Oh shit.

"See you later, babe. I can't wait." He said and soon we hung up.

I was smiling when I put my phone away, but that smile faded away soon and I begun pancking, murmuring to myself. "Oh my god oh my god, what am I going to do?"

My phone begun ringing again and I jumped by the sudden unexpected call. Did Tengen forget something? Picking up almost immediately I spoke. "Did you forget something, Tengen?"

"Tengen? Oh~ girl, so that's why I couldn't reach you a minute ago." Noriko chuckled on the other end of the line and I just wanted to bury myself alive out of embarassement for being so stupid and not taking a look at the screen to see who's calling before actually picking it up.


"What's up with you guys? Are you finally going out? He's the hot dude from the cinema if I rember correctly." She interrogated.

"Noriko I need your help!" I said, getting on the bus to go home since it arrived.

"How may I assist you, you hot guy magnet?"

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now