Chapter 8

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(y/n)'s POV:

The next day after I did my morning routine I caught my bus, travelling to the university with Noriko as always. I told her I met my brother yesterday and also told her how he acted.

"...that place was so huge by the way. I felt so out of it, because everyone else wore elegant clothes while I was wearing my everyday stuff, you know." I coninued. "And Nemi... he acted so strange again. His secretive way of talking. You know, I told you about it some time ago. He said 'let's just say I have a big influence across the whole country.' what does that supposed to mean? And the receptionist and the waiter literally kicked out a couple from the restaurant just because Nemi told them so."

Getting off he bus, we walked down the street, approaching the university in the meantime.

"I still have a feeling he does something illegal." Noriko concluded.

"He doesn't. He's just -"

She cut me off. "Oh come on (y/n) don't be so naive. I know that you two are close and you are his soft spot and all that shit and you want to believe he's a 'good boy', but don't you find it suspicious how he acts sometimes? Normal people don't do things like that. If they do, people don't tolerate it."

"Yes, know. I want to know too what he's hiding, but whenever I asked him he said he can't tell or he simply avoided the topic." I said, plopping down at my usual spot next to the tree in the garden of the university, Noriko following me and doing the same.

We still had some time before we had to go in the classroom for our first lesson.

"What if he's a maffia boss or something? I'm just saying that you should be careful." She advised, frowning a bit. "I'm worried about you."

I snorted. "Don't be ridiculous. A maffia boss? Nemi? Please..."

I started laughing at what she said. My brother is strong and of course he can easily get what he wants with his kind of behaviour and with that so called influence of his, but I highly doubt he would be capable of doing something like that.

"(Y/n), I'm serious." My best friend grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. "Please promise me you will be careful." She spoke seriously, genuinely worried about me.

"Aright." I sighed. "I'm sure Nemi is not like that though."

"Let's hope you are right." She said and took a look at her phone. "Shit we have to hurry. English starts soon." She got up from the grass and pulled me up on my feet with herself by my hand.

English... It means, a lesson with Proffessor Rengoku... at the very start of the day.

"Go, I will catch up to you. I have to go to the bathroom first." I smiled at her.

"Okay, but hurry." She said and hurried down the hall.

I went the opposite way to take care of my business, washing my hands afterwards. Glancing at the time on my phone I saw I was a few minutes late from my first lesson, but my need for a bathroom took priority now.

So I hurried to the classroom as fast as my legs could carry me, literally running down the halls with my bag in my hand.

The door was open and I saw the Proffessor standing beside the desk, holding onto the edges of it as he spoke to the entire class, wearing his usual attire that consisted of a pair of black pants, a stylish white shirt and a red necktie, the color matching the red streaks in his hair.

Timidly I knocked on the door to catch his attention. "E-excuse me..."

He went silent and turned his head to my direction as well as the class. Every single pair of eyes were on me. "Good morning miss (l/n). I see you finally arrived to my lesson..." He raised his right hand, glancing at his wristwatch. "...8 minutes later than you should have came. Care to explain?"

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now