Chapter 36

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(y/n)'s POV:

In the evening I decided to call Tengen via video chat to ask him about tomorrow. I didn't want to ruin the surprise but since it's his birthday tomorrow he will know that I would have plans. But the surprise can still remain a secret in front of him.

I held my phone in my hand, sitting in the kitchen as I waited for Tengen to finally pick up.

After what seemed like forever he did, but his video wasn't turned on.

"Hey there, babe. What's up?" He greeted me. His breathing was a bit rapid and heavy.

"Tengen your camera isn't working. I can't see you. Were you training or something?" I asked.

He took deep breats to try and calm himself. "Yeah yeah, I just finished workout. I'm in the men's locker room right now so I can't turn the camera on. There are others around me." He explained.

"I see."

"What's up?" He asked.

"Well I was just thinking about something. Your birthday is tomorrow and I thought we could go somewhere together to celebrate. I have a surprise for you as well for the evening." I told him, waiting for a reply.


That was all I heard as a reply from him, before he spoke up again.

"Uhh well actually we can't do that, babe."

I raised a brow, staring at my phone. "Why?"

"You know, my-... I mean the guys already had something planned for me for my birthday. They organized a party for me and I already promised I would go there. I can't let them down." He sighed.

"A party? I could go there too, that's fine-"

He cut me off. "No no that won't work, babe. It's only going to be men on the party. Uhh-... We celebrate like this every year but hey... We can make up for it the day after. What do you say?" He suggested, making me frown a bit.

I sighed. "Alright. You could have told me though. I was so looking forward to tomorrow."

Yeah yeah, I completely forgot about it until today...

"Sorry babe. I must have forgotten it due to all the work I have. We celebrate with the guys like this every year. Just us men ya know. No strip clubs or anything like that don't worry." He laughed. "See you the day after then, alright? Promise I will make it up to you kay?"

I sighed in disappointment and defeat. "Alright. See you the day after then."

Soon we hung up and I put my phone on the charger, leaving it on the nightstand to go and do my evening routine before going to sleep. I had school tomorrow in the morning after all.


"Party with men only?" Noriko asked after I told her what Tengen said to me on phone yesterday. "That sounds like bullshit to me."

I tilted my head to the side questioningly. "Why?"

"I dunno (y/n) but if you ask me it sounds like an excuse to avoid you. Or maybe he's hiding something." She explained.

I raised my brows. "What could he be hiding from me on his birthday? That doesn't really make sense. I would understand if it was my birthday, but it's his. I am supposed to surprise him not the other way around."

My best friend thought for a few moments before replying. "Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not sure, but now that you mention surprise you could actually do that." She grinned. "What if you ask one of his friends to get you his house key and you go there, prepare everything and wait for him to come back?"

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now