Chapter 17

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(y/n)'s POV:

"What kind of surprise is it?" I asked my brother, following him excitedly after I locked the door of my apartment.

Nemi walked down the stairs, placing his hands in his pockets. "You will see it soon." He simply replied.

I hurried to walk beside him, grabbing his upper arm, also matching his steps as we walked down together. "Tell me." I whined, pluckering my lips and showing a puppy eye. This always worked on him.


But not now...

"Nemiii." I whined again.

"As I said, you will see it soon. Patience. Surprises are meant to be surprises. It's no fun if you spoil it before it's time." He smirked.

On our way down we met my neighbor. The old lady next door. "Good morning Mrs. Kamiya." I waved to her, flashing a small smile as we halted to a stop with my sibling.

She squinted her eyes having a hard time recognizing me. "Who are you?"

"It's me, (l/n) (y/n)." I told her and her eyes lit up, that kind look appearing in them. She was always so nice to me.

"Oh, sorry my dear. My sight is not that good anymore. How are you?" She then looked up at Nemi beside me. "Sorry, my son I haven't seen you there."

Still holding onto his arm I replied to the old lady. "I'm doing great, thank you. What about you?"

"If I don't count with the usual pain I feel in my bones, I'm feeling great as well." Eyeing Nemi she continued. "Is he your boyfriend who's been at your place a few days ago?"

My eyes widened in shock. Did she meet Rengoku? If so, I hope he didn't say anything stupid. I didn't tell a word to my brother about any man taking part in my life. And I knew my neighbor was definitely talking about him since there was nobody else around in the last few days but my proffessor.

Nemi turned his head to me, raising an eyebrow. "Boyfriend?"

Jolting my head back at Mrs. Kamiya I started to speak way too quickly. "What? Boyfriend? Ah no, he's just my-"

She started chuckling and cut me off mid-sentence, waving her hand in front of herself. "Ah I see. You are just having fun, right? Those voices I heard made it obvious. I'm hard of hearing but even with my bad ears, I heard you. You were a bit loud." She chuckled again.

"What?" Nemi knitted his brows in anger, glaring at me. At least that's what I saw from the corner of my eyes because I didn't have the courage to look at him at the moment.

Mrs. Kamiya must be talking about the night when Rengoku was here and I prayed until now that she didn't hear anything. The timing was even worse because she had no idea that the man standing beside me wasn't my proffessor whom I fucked at that day, moreover my brother instead of being my lover.

I was certain that Nemi is going to cut my head and bury me alive once we will be out of the apartment building.

Not to mention the embarassement I felt because of this situation. It's as if someone was talking about our parents' sexual life. I swear I would rather listen to that now instead of this.

My entire face was tinted red and my heart was racing from the fear. Nemi's anger radiated towards me and into my poor soul. I'm pretty sure he's going to give a long lecture and won't stop interrogating until I tell him who's the guy.

I think I should simply just jump off a cliff at this point... I like you Mrs. Kamiya, but now I want to kill you...

The old lady placed a hand beside her mouth, whispering. "Believe it or not, once I've been young and full of hormones like you. In your age I've been messing with 5 guys at the same time. If only I became young for a day again." She let out a sigh.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now