Chapter 20

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(y/n)'s POV:

I was so nervous about what's going to happen now. I was certain after what happened back at Nemi's place, Uzui wouldn't bother to call me or that he wouldn't care about my explanation if I decided to talk to him about the misunderstanding.

I was glad when he called me. Altough guilt was rising within me for an unknown reason. Was it because of the nervousness? Or was it because of my professor? But... I am a single woman... We are not together with him. So even if he got to know about this he doesn't have the right to put his nose in my personal life.

Still being deep within my thoughts, I didn't even notice my phone buzzing beside me on the bed, an incoming message from Uzui telling me he has arrived. And since I didn't notice the buzzing, he rather called me a minute later.

Snapping out of my thoughts I immediately grabbed my phone, so quickly that thanks to my clumsy self I almost dropped it. I answered the call. "Hi."

"Hey, doll. I'm outside. You finished?" He asked.

I rose to my feet, grabbing my heels from the ground I prepared for myself earlier as I spoke. "Yes. Coming in a minute." I told him, bending down to put the heels on.

"Alright. I'm parking in front of the building." He said, then we hung up.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror, applied my favourite perfume on my wrists and neck, grabbed my purse along with my phone then walked out of my apartment. I locked the door then approached the elevator, pushing the small button on the side. Soon enough it arrived and I went down to the main floor, nervousness rising in me even more.

The moment I opened the apartment building's door I spotted Uzui waiting for me right in front of the building just as he said. He was smoking a cigarette, leaning against the car, obviously waiting for me to come.

I took a deep breath and begun walking again, approaching him. Probably he noticed the sound of my heels because he turned his head to my direction, dropping the cigarette stub on the ground. He straightened his posture, watching me with a small smirk on his face.

He whistled, complimenting me the next moment. "Wow. You look stunning." His grin grew wider by each step I took.

"Thank you." I stopped in front of him.

He didn't wear a suit, yet he looked elegant with that shirt and necktie. It suited him a lot. And seeing his hair loose made my breath hitch. His white strands framed his face so perfectly.

"You look good yourself." I complimented him with a smile on my face.

"Thanks. Oh... I almost forgot." He opened the door of his car and took a bouquet of flowers from the backseat, handing it to me. "Before you ask, yes. You can consider this evening as a date."

I gasped, a faint blush appearing on my face. I rarely get flowers from anyone. Most of the time I buy them for myself because I love them.

(A/n: based on a true story... I never get flowers, and I buy them for myself since no one gives me any even though they know I love them. 🥲)

"These are beautiful. Thank you so much." I raised the bouquet close to my face, inhaling the sweet scent the flowers carried. It already brightened up my day.

"Not as beautiful as the woman in front of me." Uzui spoke up, causing me to look back at him, blush deepening.

Shit, I'm going to faint. It's a crime to be this handsome I swear...


"Now don't be so formal with me. You can call me Tengen." He chuckled, cutting me off.

Gulping nervously I shyly nodded to him in agreement. He took a step towards me, placing one hand behind my waist and led me to the passenger seat, opening the car door for me like a gentleman. Once I was sitting inside he closed the door, hurrying to the other side and soon he drove off.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now