Chapter 10

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(y/n)'s POV:

I had a very strange feeling the next day when I was going back home. It was as if someone was following me, but whenever I looked back, nobody was there. I started to think that I am paranoid and that I'm just inagining things. Why would anyone follow me anyway?

However I knew that my instincts never lied to me before. Yet what I've seen, or rather haven't seen proved me that there is no one behind me. Though just to make sure I locked my front door when I arrived home. It made me feel safer.

Friday came and fortunately it passed quickly. After classes I had to attend to Rengoku's english tutoring. He was awfully quiet throughnout that one hour we spent together which left me thinking what happened to him that he acts this way towards me. Usually he would talk a lot or scold me if I did a mistake. Now he didn't.

I didn't think too much about it either until his jealousy came to the surface again when Nemi's name appeared on my phone's screen. A message. And the only thing visible of it was:

'Hey princess. I can't wait for next weekend. My adress is...'

For a brief second I looked up at Rengoku's face. The anger and jealousy he felt was evident according to his face expression. Brows knitted, smile disappering as if it was never there, fists clenching, muscles flexing.

Muscles flexing... Oh god...

He clicked his tongue, unable to hold back his emotions and took the paper from in front of me, putting it in his drawer. "We're done for today." He spoke.

"But it's been about only half an hour yet." I said in confusion.

"It's friday. I guess you want to go out with your friends or something." Meanwhile he collected his stuff to leave. "Go before I change my mind."

Indeed I am going out with Noriko tonight...

He continued. "And as it seems you are busy next weekend too."

I let out a small laugh. "Here we go again..."

"What do you mean?"

I snorted. "It's so obvious."

"What is?" Raising a brow he asked.

"You're jealous." Shrugging my shoulders I picked up my bag, then turned on my heels. "Goodbye, Proffessor." I mocked, grabbing the doorknob of the exit to leave his office.

He had other plans though, because he was standing right behind me a second later, his palm slamming on the door beside my head before I could creak it open.

"You should know better than to piss me off, miss (l/n)." His low tone sounded dangerous. I couldn't move an inch. "What you do day by day is unacceptable."

"I'm not doing anything." I muttered as I rolled my eyes.

"That. That's what you are doing. It's pissing me off."

His breath was hot on the skin of my neck. The angry in- and exhales he made told me that he's pissed. Just as he said. He didn't touch me, yet the warmth of his body heated up mine by how close he was standing behind me. Mere an inch seperated us from literally being in physical contact. It was clear that this between us is more than a simple student-teacher relationship.

"We are done for today aren't we?" I asked. "So if you would excuse me, I have to go now. I'm going out soon with my friend." It sounded like an excuse to escape. He didn't have to know it's the truth.

"Yeah yeah... Meet with that Nemi or whatever was his name. Is he your boyfriend?" He questioned me.

I turned around to face him whilst crossing my arms over my chest. "What is it to you?"

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now