Chapter 11

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Author's note: reader's discretion advised 😘


(y/n)'s POV:

My best friend Noriko was out at the bar, flirting with some guy she doesn't know at all, leaving me alone, but then came Rengoku too and I'm stuck inside one of the cubicles in the ladies bathroom with him.

I mean, it was him who forced me in here, breaking his own rule as a proffessor. He would rather cross the boundaries because of his lustful desires.

What the hell I got myself into?

"Put that mouth around my cock or I will do it myself, but then I won't care if you choke on it." He urged me to go on as I was kneeling on the cold tiles of the bathroom. If someone would come inside and look down on the ground would easily see what's going on here, since the cubicles are barely separated from each other. That's why I was silently praying for everyone to avoid this place for now.

It's not like choking on that dick is avoidable Rengoku by the way...

Shifting in my position a bit I hesitantly raised my hand, only to be scolded by him again. "What are you waiting for? We don't have all day."

I gulped nervously and gently grabbed his shaft, opening my mouth wide to be able to take him in. I swear I felt like this would be the first time for me to have a dick in my mouth due to Rengoku's behaviour.

As a beginning, I wrapped my mouth around his tip, lapping my tongue on the underside of his member. Just to test the waters even though I knew we didn't have that much time to play around.

I looked up at him in an attempt to test his reactions too while I took him in more with my mouth. It felt like the bones in my jaw will break if I went further. He was that thick. Nonethless I tried my best to relax and bobbed my head back and forth, salivating his entire length. Not only that, but strings of saliva escaped the corners of my mouth, dripping down my chin. I kept my hand around the rest of his dick which I couldn't properly take in.

Depending on the look on his face, he was unpredictable. I had no clue if I did it the right way he wanted me to do. I didn't know if he liked it at all. His face was straight as if I didn't do anything. I needed confirmation, a praise or something.

With a small wet pop sound I let go of his cock and licked his shaft all the way up starting from the hilt till I reached his tip as if it was my favourite ice cream. His right hand found the top of my head and stroked my hair, getting my strands out of the way. Finally a signal...

God, only by looking up at his face made me so fucking wet. It's a miracle that his muscles hasn't ripped his shirt yet. And that strict look on his face makes me want to...

I couldn't hold my urges back either and let my free hand wander between my legs, slipping under my dress and touching myself through my panties. A slight moan slipped from me by the feeling whilst I continued pleasuring my teacher. It was all too good to be true. I had the chance to be with him alone like this again. The last few days of his teasing was torturing and I would lie if I said I haven't daydreamed about giving a blowjob to him. I would have done literally anything to get his attention. I also want that big cock inside me again, because our steamy session from that weekend never left my thoughts.

And here I am... sucking him off as I'm touching myself. Shit, it's too much. I love it.

"That's good baby. Keep doing that." He praised, smirking down at me. His hand never left the top of my head and out of a sudden he grabbed a fistful of my hair, yanking my head back. "Are you touching yourself?" His voice was full of venom.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now