Chapter 50

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(y/n)'s POV:

Noriko's funeral took place a few days later. According to the official informations parts of her body could be identified within the dead bodies the police found at her apartment. But I knew the truth. Those parts that have been cremated weren't part of Noriko. It was someone else. I was still disgusted by the fact how they take things so smoothly, but I also knew that there was no other way...

It's still quite the shock for me to find out that demons exist and my brother is one of the many people who is part of the demon slayer corps to take care of these things and take care of the people that live throughnout the country.

Out of respect, the police officer... I mean... the chief of the police attended the funeral too to give his condolences for me. Even his wife, Kanroji came and gave me the biggest hug she could once the ceremony ended. I appreciated it really.

Though I was still in denial. I didn't want to accept that my best friend no longer exists...

It was even more painful to see her mom crying in agony like that. A mother losing her child must be one of the many things in life that can be considered being the most painful experiences.

(Author's note: been there...↑)

She wanted answers about what happened to her daughter. She told me she had a gut feeling that the police isn't speaking the truth. And I so badly wanted to tell her that she's right, but then I realized that probably it would bring her even more pain if she knew the actual truth. I didn't want her to feel like I did. I rather carried that weight on my shoulders by myself and convinced her what the police told her is unfortunately the truth.

After the funeral I stayed in the cemetery, sitting in front of her grave on the ground, lighning up an incense. I kept staring at the gravestone with her name etched into it. I didn't even realize how much time passed until I saw that the sky turned orange in colour.

I've heard footsteps behind me, then a familiar voice speaking to me. "I should take you home before it turns dark." Said my brother. "The cemetery is one of the most dangerous places at night."

I didn't answer him. Part of me was still mad at him for doing what he did even though I knew what he did was the right thing. In the last few days I have had enough time to think about it and I came to conclusion that he did nothing but protect me. Yet...

"I can go home by myself..." I said to him, standing up from the ground.


"I want to be alone, Sanemi." I spoke to him, still not facing him.

He didn't question my decision just mumbled a quiet 'okay' for me. Not because of him, but because of everything that happened. I needed to collect my thoughts on all of this to be able to move on. I knew it wasn't going to be an easy task.

I heard his footsteps again, before he halt to a stop to say something."Go home before it gets dark. Please." He whispered the last part before leaving.

When I heard his footsteps again I turned around and watched him walk away. His voice when he spoke to me sounded sad and hurt. I never heard him being this calm and quiet when he talked to me before. To be honest my heart sank to hear him like that. I felt bad.

Later I will have to talk to him and apologize for the things I have told him on that day. I'm just not ready yet. I need at least a few days to think through the recent events, also I must think about how should I apologize to him. It won't be as easy as I thought at first, but it's a must.

For one last time I turned around to steal a glance at Noriko's grave. "I'm coming back soon, I promise." I whispered for her. "She's not even buried here, what the hell am I saying..." I mumbled to myself, feeling stupid.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now