Chapter 21

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(y/n)'s POV:

Tengen pulled me in for a kiss again by my waist, kissing my lips hungrily. He was a good kisser and his touch burned my skin, making me longing for more of them.

I felt his cologne earlier today evening, but being this close to him gave me an opportunity to feel that scent even stronger. It drove me crazy. Desire was growing in me, that's why my fingers clutched onto his clothes tighter than earlier.

He cupped my cheek to deepen our kiss, but then pulled back to say something. However before he could tell a word, my phone begun ringing in my purse, cutting Tengen off mid-sentence.

"Sorry. Just a second." I apologized, opening my purse.

"It's fine. Answer the call if you want." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay." I said and dug inside my purse, finally finding the phone that interrupted us. Probably it's Noriko. I forgot to tell her I'm busy today.

But the nickname that showed up on the screen surprised me a bit. 'Prof'

For such occassions like this, I intentionally didn't write a full name for any of my contacts, including Noriko, Rengoku and Sanemi as well in case anybody else would see the screen. Tengen of course saw it too, but he didn't say anything.

I muted my phone and quickly put it back in my purse, focusing on Tengen instead. After what happened I didn't care what Rengoku had to say to me. If he wants to talk, he should do it personally. Otherwise I don't care.

"Aren't you picking it up? It must be important if one of your professors called you at this hour." Tengen asked, but I shook my head.

"No. It's not that big of a deal. Probably he wanted to ask for my email adress to send the results of the test we wrote recently. It can wait." I made up a believeable lie and smiled up at him.

He shrugged. "Alright. But... (y/n)..."

I was about to continue where we stopped because of the phone call when he grabbed my shoulders. Tilting my head to the side I looked up at his cluelessly. "Yes? Something wrong?"

"I can't do this now." He replied.

"What? What do you mean?" I questioned, still being puzzled about what the hell he is talking about.

"I want to continue what we started so bad. You have no idea... But that call you got helped me to collect my thoughts. I don't want you to think I am only after sex. I want us to work. And I almost lost my mind." He paused for a few seconds. "I'm sorry."

My mouth formed a small o out of surprisement. But I understood what he meant. He said it himself in the restaurant that he is serious about me afterall. Sleeping with each other would probably be way too early if he is serious about what he said. Seems like it he is.

"Your brother would already kill me if he knew I went this far." He let out a small laugh, a sigh escaping his lips in the end.

"Sanemi? Knowing him I bet he told you to stay away from me or something like that." I giggled, knowing my brother all too well. He wants to protect me from everyone and everything.

"Yeah. Something like that." He chuckled.

"But I am single, you are single too. Just because you two know each other, it doesn't mean we can't date." I explained.

"Yeah. The both of us are single, so I don't see a problem either. Anyway... Let's take you home." He told me, turning on his heels to go to the parking lot where his car is, so I followed him.

I was disappointed a little bit, because I was totally expecting him to rail me tonight, but unlike Rengoku, he wants to show me first that he's serious about us.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now