Chapter 28

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(y/n)'s POV:

After the weekend I went to school as usually. On my way on the bus I was reading a message Tengen sent me yesterday in the afternoon. He left on the same morning.

At least he wrote to me as early as he promised, unlike Kyojuro...

When the bus arrived at the bus stop where Noriko was supposed to be, she didn't come. She wasn't there. I immediately took out my phone to text her and asked if she's ill or something.

I hoped she would answer me as soon as possible, as she always did, but I got no answer. Maybe she just overslept and would come into school later. It happened before.

Rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes I took out my notebook from my bag before the first lesson would start, sitting down at my usual spot outside.

No matter how many times I read my notes over and over, it didn't want to stay in my brain. Perhaps tiredness took over me because of the long weekend.

When I heard the bell ringing, I gathered my stuff, then headed inside the building of the university. To my classroom more precisely.

Noriko was still nowhere to be seen.

"Did you hear?" One of my classmates talked to her friend.

"Yes. It's a miracle she's alive." She replied.

"Yeah, that's why I don't go out alone anywhere."

"My boyfriend doesn't let me do that either, especially now after seeing the news."

"Yeah, no wonder. So many dangerous people are out there."

I stood up from my seat and approached them. It was not so often that I talked to anyone else other than my best friend, but I was curious to know what they were talking about.

"Hey." I greeted them and they looked up at me questioningly. Even they knew that normally I wouldn't talk to them.

"What's up?" The blonde girl asked.

"May I ask what were you talking about?" Rubbing the back of my neck shyly I finally asked.

They looked at each other, completely surprised by my question. Though I didn't understand why was it so surprising. I didn't read any news yet today, only watched silly videos and pictures on instagram.

"Noriko is your best friend, isn't she? How do you not know about what happened to her?" The blonde's brown haired friend asked me.

"What? What are you talking about? What happened to her?" I asked them cluelessly, worry rising within me simultaneously. Probably that's also the reason why she didn't answer my message.

"She's been attacked at nighttime 2 days ago. No one knows who did it and she's in the hospital with serious injuries. It's a miracle she survived. She almost died of bloodloss." They told me, making my eyes widen.

Now that I think about it, it popped up in my mind that it must have been at the very same night when me and Tengen went to that party. I remember we even asked her if she will be fine. She said yes. And here we are...

Placing my palm over my mouth I gasped, hands beginning to shake by the worry I felt.

I've been enjoying that stupid party when this have happened. Now I feel so guilty for leaving her alone and deep down I blame myself... I should have insisted on staying till her taxi would have arrived.

Throughnout the day I couldn't think of anything else but her. I wanted this day to end so bad, so I could go to the hospital and visit her, see with my own eyes that she's alright. Well... I mean... she's not alright, but I had to know she's alive and will recover.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now