Chapter 9

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(y/n)'s POV:

After my lessons has ended for today, I put my stuff away in my bag, ready to head to Proffessor Rengoku's office due to having detention in the afternoon.

I still find it ridiculous by the way...

Noriko popped up in front of my desk. "Hey (y/n)! Wanna go out to eat at our usual place? I'm starving." She whined, holding onto her stomach. "I have a story to tell you by the way."

"I would love to, but..."

How could I avoid getting suspicious if I told her that I have detention with Rengoku? I cannot tell her that out of jealousy he used his own tools of being a teacher and forced me to obey. She would easily connect the dots and she would also figure out I lied to her last time when she directly asked if it was him who I fucked on the weekend.

Or am I just overthinking?

"But what? Is something wrong?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Actually, yes... I have detention." I mumbled out, avoiding eye contact.

"Detention? You?" She was taken aback. No wonder since I was always in the top 10 when it came to students' grades and I have never been put into detention before.


"What? But how? And who put you into it? What the fuck?!" Noriko had all the reasons to be surprised by this fact. It was new to me too.

"Proffessor Rengoku... He stopped me after his lesson in the morning and took a look at my test. Things happened so fast, I don't even remember how I ended up this way. The only thing I know that he said to me to go to his office after my lessons has ended. And he will also give me extra english homework as a punishment."

The lies spilled out from my mouth so naturally, and I felt so bad, but for now I wanted to keep the secret of fucking my teacher to myself. I couldn't afford getting expelled from the university if this imformation leaked out. I knew Noriko wouldn't tell to anyone, but I had to make sure.

"Oh, that sucks. But hey-..." She leaned closer to me, hiding her face from the side with her hand. "What if he wants those kind of... you know~... special extra lessons from you?" She whispered to me, wiggling her brows teasingly.

I lightly pushed her away and rolled my eyes. "Don't make me laugh..."

Is she a mind reader or something?

She laughed. "I was just kidding. But god.... Have you took a real good look at that guy? His shirt is almost ripping when his muscles flex as he moves. I bet those pants hide something big as well." She spoke like a horny schoolgirl, a hint of blush appearing on her cheeks. Even her... She likes him too as well as 90% of the girls here in the university. I can't believe it...

Something snapped inside me and I rose to my feet, slamming my hands on the table. "Stop it Noriko, will you? What's wrong with you? He's just a teacher, there's nothing special about him!" I huffed and grabbed my bag, storming off.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!" My best friend tried to call out to me. However her words reached deaf ears. I was fuming with anger.

Abruptly I halted to a stop, my eyes widening at the realization-

Why am I fuming with anger?? What the hell is wrong with me???

There's no way that I am jealous. Why would I be? I said it myself to Rengoku that he's jealous but for what? We are not together. And right now I am doing the same thing. Turning angry by the thought of someone else taking an interest in him. Why? Why why why???

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now