Chapter 56

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Final exams were around the corner and I did nothing else but study all day as if my life depended on it. Actually it really did, because if I don't pass my exams, I won't be able to graduate.

At least Kyojuro's little gift packages full of snacks and goodies and his support helped me a lot. I really only studied in the last 2 weeks. Kyojuro understood that we cannot go on dates and such for a small while. He had tons of work anyway. Not only in the university but at night too when he worked as a demon slayer.

He doesn't speak much about his 'secret' stuff, but he told me that him and the others have way more work to do. They have to 'clean up' the town and stay alert all the time, because you know... you can never know.

One night when we both had some free time, we decided to sleep together at my place but our cuddling session got cut off by a sudden call and of course he had to leave... But at least I could be with him for a small time. He's my charger after a long day of boring studying.

We always video chat before bed or in the evening if we have the time for it. It really is such a comforting routine at the end of the day for me. I love him so much for these little things.

"You sure you don't want me to come over, sweetheart?" Kyojuro asked me on the other end. My phone was so close to my face that I didn't even notice. I just wanted to see his face from up close.

"I would say I wanted it, but you are tired as well. I don't want you to get into an accident because of driving while you are exhausted. I don't want you to drive like that and hurt yourself." I told him.

"That's cute." He chuckled dryly. "You know I would go there if you asked me to."

"I know, but I really don't want you to fall asleep or something while driving. It's dangerous."

He smiled. "Alright. I'm going to listen to you. Wouldn't want my darling to worry too much about me. That's my task." Then he continued. "How are you feeling by the way? Are you ready for the final exams?"

No I'm not... Is there anyone in the world out there and be like 'I'm so ready for my final exams and I'm not scared at all'? I doubt...

"Are you kidding me? I'm not. I'm scared..."

"Aww. You don't need to be scared. It's gonna be okay. You studied a lot for it. You're going to make it, you hear me? Because I know that you are smart. You aren't among the top students for no reason."

His encouraging almost brought me tears. He was so sweet.

"You can do it. I know you can." He told me once again.

I nodded and smiled faintly. If it wasn't for him, I would have probably given up already.

Losing my best friend Noriko and arguing with Sanemi last time made me feel like I'm completely alone. If it wasn't for Kyojuro I would be in total despair. He was the only person who made me feel like it's still worth fighting for what I wanted to achieve. His support meant everything to me in these bad times.

So I said to him: "Thank you."

"Of course, sweetheart. I'm gonna call you a bit later again, okay?"

"Mhm. I need to finish a few more things as well. Love you."

"I love you more." He blew me a kiss through our video call and we hung up soon.

I sighed and put down my phone beside me on the table. As soon as I did, I received 2 new messages.

Kyojuro would always send me more 'I love you' messages in text and a couple of hearts after we hung up.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now