Chapter 7

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(y/n)'s POV:

My brother led the way to his car and we sat inside. He was the driver of course.

"You really didn't have to do that..." I muttered under my nose, fiddling with my fingers over my lap.

"Yeah, and why not? That prick deserved it." Sanemi replied. "Knowing you, you would have just ordered again and sat down somewhere else and wouldn't have done anything. You're too kind, sis."

I pouted. "No! It's not true!"

He stopped at a red light and turned to me. "Yes yes, it's true and you know that. You have to learn to be tougher. Like me."

"You are short tempered, not tough." I sighed, crossing my arms.

"Ouch." He laughed. "How come that you can be cruel with me but not everyone else?"

"Hey I'm not cruel!" I pouted. "Green."

My brother raised a brow at me. "Green? What? Are you smoking weed or something?"

The cars behind us honked, causing Sanemi to snap his head back on the road, noticing that the traffic light has turned green finally. "Shit." I giggled a bit. Sometimes he gets distracted a bit too easily.

A small while later we arrived at a huge building. Reading the caption, I saw it was a hotel. Five stars decorated the wall over the entrance.

"What the hell? Why are we coming here? I thought we are going into a restaurant or something." I spoke, but Sanemi didn't listen however. He just got out of the car, gave his keys to a guy who worked here, then hurried to my side, opening the door for me. He helped me to get out by offering a hand for me to take.

"Nemi, what are we doing here?" I tried again.

"We are going to eat, isn't that obvious?" He asked and led the way down the path of cobblestones.

"But this is a five star hotel. I can't afford-"

He cut me off mid sentence. "Who said that you will pay? If I can pay for your studies and everything else, I think a small meal with my dear sister won't drain my money from my wallet."


"Let's go. This is the least afterall. It's been a while since we spent some time together. My little sister deserves the best." He grinned at me.

My brother became filthy rich due to his work in a short amount of time, but richness came with a cost. He was very busy all the time. Till this day he didn't really tell me what he is exactly doing. He would always avoid the topic. He always left me curious, but that's how he is. Being secretive and unfathomable. On the other hand he cared a lot about me and tried his best to find time for us even if it was just a video chat. On rare occassions like this, we would spend our free time together.

I felt like an outsider in this hotel. I mean... All the women I saw here wore formal clothes, beautiful gowns and all the men wore suits while I had jeans, sported a pair of white sneakers and my favourite top. Not to mention my hair which was tied up in a lazy bun.

They all looked at me judgemental, some even whispering stuff I couldn't exactly hear. It was an understatement that I felt uncomfortable.

"Ah, Mr Shinazugawa. It's a pleasure to see you in our hotel again." A guy around his thirties greeted us with a bow at the entrance of the hotel's restaurant.

Light laughter, chatting and melodies of a piano filled the place. It was way too fancy for my taste.

"We need a table right away." My brother coldly spoke to the guy.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now