Chapter 57

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I nodded to Kyojuro's mom. She remembered me from the time I visited my best friend Noriko in the hospital after she got attacked. They were staying in the same room. "Yes... Please... Do you know anything about Kyojuro?" I couldn't hide the trembling of my hands and the concern in my voice as I spoke.

I was so worried for Kyojuro and I could only hope for the best...

How could you be so damn irresponsible to begin driving while you were exhausted?

I'm gonna scold him for that so bad... But first, I wanted him to be alright. I prayed the gods that he would get well soon and that he doesn't have serious injuries because of the accident.

"How rude of me... Forgive me... I'm (l/n) (y/n). I'm just-" my voice cracked. "I'm just... so worried for him." I bowed slightly.

"We don't know anything yet either. Till the operation is done, the doctors refuse to say anything to us." Ruka spoke. She was as upset as me or the others. She was worried for her son afterall.

"We received a phone call in the middle of the night from the hospital." Kyojuro's brother spoke up. "They told us that he had a car accident. And we saw the news in the morning..." He looked concerned himself.

Even Kyojuro's father looked worried, I felt it, but he kept a straight face. Probably he was the type to rarely show weakness in front of others.

Damn... The genes in this family is insane by the way. All man in the family looked exactly the same way. Kyojuro told me that before, but I didn't think they would look this similar.

"He's inside the operation rooms for hours now..." He finished and I nodded.

That means... all we can do now is wait and hope for the best...

I took in a shaky breath with teary eyes, walking up to the window so I can turn away and hide my tears.

I wished I could do something for him. This feeling of helplessness was agonizing.

"Umm... Hi..." I heard a timid voice from my left, so I turned my head and saw Kyojuro's little brother looking up at me.

"Hi." I greeted him back.

"Can I ask you something?" His eyes reflected curiosity and nervousness.

I nodded. "Sure."

"Are you..." He cleared his throat. "I mean... My brother and you... you go out, right? Do you love him?"

I blinked a few times, the corners of my lips turning upwards into a small smile. He was smaller in height than me, so I squatted down and looked up at him before I replied.

"Yes. Of course I love him." I tilted my head. "Why do you ask?"

"You will get married in the future then, right?" Another innocent question left his lips.

I wanted to say yes, because that's what I wanted to happen as well. I believed it will happen one day, because Kyojuro loves me just as much as I love him, if not more. He even spoke about marriage before, telling me he would indulge me even after I became his wife.

I didn't even realize, but I was weeping again. My cheeks were stained with my tears.

Kyojuro's brother noticed it and frowned at me. "Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"

"No..." I shook my head gently, my voice catching up in my throat. "You didn't say anything wrong. I'm just... worried for him."

His eyes were full of tears as well. "I'm worried too. I don't want to lose my brother..." He sobbed, wiping away his tears with his small hands.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now