Chapter 5

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(y/n)'s POV:

God, this day was like it's never going to end... The lessons went so fucking slow. Something kept me aware though.

The gossips about the new english teacher.

I heard other women whispering about him. Some of them even met him in the halls and they casually melted. They couldn't stop talking about how handsome he was, what a gentleman he was. And for now, deep down I became curious about that new teacher too.

I was sitting outside under one of the trees, eating a sandwich whilst reading a book when I heard a group talking about that guy again.

"Oh no... He won't be teaching in our class. I would kill to have him as my teacher. He's so hot." One of the girls whined like a teenager.

"I was so lucky to accidentaly bump into him in the halls. He helped me pick up my books from the floor too. He was so kind to me." Another girl spoke, with a visible blush on her cheeks. She was totally into the new teacher.

"I'm jealous! Why couldn't it be me?"

In the background, hearing their conversation I sighed. They really act like 13-14 year old girls.

Well it won't take long for me to see him, because my next lesson will be english. These rumors got me very curious. Though I would never admit it out aloud.

The moment I heard the bell ringing, I stood up from the ground and picked up my stuff, soon heading to the classroom whereas the next lesson will take place.

As I expected, everyone was talking about that certain teacher.

"You're curious too, aren't you (y/n)?" Noriko popped up out of the blue on my left.

"Curious for what exactly?" I raised a brow at her.

She giggled. "You are continuously staring at the door. You wanna know the topic of the rumors too, don't you?"

Noriko hit the nail on the head. There was no point in lying to her. Besides, it's not a big deal to be curious about something.

"Yeah, to be honest. Everybody is talking about him and I wanna know why. What's so interesting about him that he's the talk of the whole university?" I asked mostly myself.

"I don't kno-"

"He's coming, he's coming!" One of the girls cut Noriko off with her fangirling.

The whole class turned their head towards the entrance to watch the new teacher enter. Why am I so excited? He's just a teacher anyway. I'm sure he's not that big of a deal like everyone thinks of him. Bet they are just exeggerating.

But then when he entered...

Everyone went silent and stood up from their desk as we always had to do, expect for me. I even dropped the pencil from my hand when I spotted him.

My breath got caught in my throat. It never felt so dry before. The shock on my face was evident, and anyone who would take a glance at me would definitely see it too. They wouldn't know the reason though, but it was enough already that I did know.

"Good morning!" He literally shouted to the whole class, with a big grin present on his face. "I'm your new english teacher. Proffessor Rengoku Kyojuro." He introduced himself.

The students were still standing on their feet and I was still sitting frozen on my seat. I was too shocked to move my limbs and my eyes couldn't stop looking at Rengoku either.

Memories of that certain night from the weekend popped up in my mind. I couldn't help it. All the hot, mind-blowing sex with him. His dominant side. Those orders and dirty words.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now