Chapter 19

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Sanemi's POV:

Because of that idiot Uzui, my sister almost got to know about my proffession. He could have fucking called me or send a message or anything, but he fucking had to pop up in my house without talking to me beforehand.

He came at the wrong time and I almost got busted. Once I made sure that my sister has gone to the living room, I glared at him. "Are you fucking nuts?"

Uzui raised a brow at me. "Why?"

"What do you mean why? You know very well that what we do cannot be exposed. Because of your stupidity we almost got busted."

He put his hands up in defense. "Geez, calm down bro. She didn't hear anything."

"Yeah, because I hit you when she called out to me before she popped up. You're always so fucking reckless when it comes to these kind of discussions. You should take a look at the word 'discreet' in your damned dictionary." I whisper yelled to him, looking behind myself in case (y/n) would pop up again unexpectedly.

Uzui rolled his eyes, placing his hands in his pockets. "As I said, she didn't hear anything."

"Next time pick up that cursed phone of yours and call me before you appear in front of my door. What would you have done if she got to know about it, huh?" I paused. "Yeah, yeah I know 'calm down bro she didn't hear anything'. Idiot..." I scolded him in a mocking tone. "Whatever you wanna talk about now it must be postponed."

Even though I know that my sister is in the living room right now, I can't risk talking about this stuff with Uzui when she's around.

It's already hard to avoid her questions when she asks me what do I do for a living and where do I get my money from.

"But-" Uzui begun.

I cut him off. "No. Let's meet after the weekend. I'm busy anyways."

He sighed. "Whatever... Usual place, usual time?"

I nodded, then we finally said goodbye. Closing the door behind myself I took a deep breath before I headed to the living room to join (y/n).

This feeling inside of me. The guilt... That whenever she would ask me about my proffession... It kills me to avoid it and lie to her. But I have no other choice. This is a secret she cannot find out about. If she did, she would always just worry about me and check up on me if I'm alright...

She must focus on her studies instead. Concentration is needed for that and it would only confuse her if she learned the truth.

"I'm back." Announcing my arrival I sat down beside her on the couch. Altough it didn't go unnoticed by me how she flinched when she heard me. "Hm? What's up?"

She looked up at me, scratching the back of her neck. "Nothing. I was just deep in my thoughts I guess. You done talking to Tengen?"

My brows raised. "Tengen? How do you know his first name?"

Her eyes widened in shock. "W-what? Who's Tengen? Is that the guy you talked to at the door?"

"(Y/n, I'm not stupid. I know what I heard..." I stared at her. She was avoiding to look me in the eyes.

"I-..." She stuttered.

"No... you didn't..."

She stared at me wide-eyed, having no clue what I was referring to.

I spoke up. "Don't tell me it's him you hooked up with..." She blinked, looking anywhere but me.

"I mean... I-..."

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now