Chapter 41

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Author's note: 👆I wanna wake up seeing him like that in the morning. 😫💓


(y/n)'s POV:

I was still at home when I heard a knock on my door, worried sick about the recent events and hoping that Sanemi won't do anything stupid.

Getting up from the couch I approached the front door and opened it, revealing Kyojuro.

"Kyojuro." I whispered his name. He wore a calm smile on his face that instantly made me feel less worried than I was a few seconds earlier.

When he called me on phone after Nemi left, I told him about everything about what my brother might be planning, and when I mentioned his name he asked me if the Sanemi I am talking about is Shinazugawa Sanemi or someone else. And once he learned that my brother is indeed Shinazugawa Sanemi, he told me he knows him and he would attempt to do something to stop him.

I remember I told him that he probably won't listen, because he's stubborn and hot-headed, but Kyojuro still insisted.

That's why a wave of reassurance ran through me when I saw him smiling down at me.

But it still makes me wonder from where does he exactly know Sanemi? Maybe I will ask him later... But first, I have to know what happened.

I stepped aside as a sign for him to let him inside my apartment. However instead he wrapped his strong arms around me, embracing me tightly, catching me off guard.

Being in his arms felt like having the warmest and softest blanket covering me, shielding me from all the evil and bad things in the world. I felt safe.

A few moments later when I registered what was actually happening, I slowly slipped my arms around his torso, holding onto him. It felt so nice like this. The affection he was giving me was so different from the dominant Kyojuro I thought he is. Well he still is, yet he was more caring, more loving. I really liked this softer side of him.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine." He whispered, nuzzling his face in the aide of my neck, whispering those words in my ear.

"Did you talk?" I asked. "What happened?"

And so he told me what was the first thing he saw when he found him. An enraged Sanemi who was punching Tengen's face, his face bloody as well as my brother's fist which caused all of it. That he was about to break his arm when Kyojuro stopped him.

I hated it at such times that my imagination and the pictures in my head can exactly show me almost everything. I could tell that it must have been a horrible sight. And if it wasn't for Kyojuro, Sanemi would have done something way worse...


Flashback from Sanemi's POV:

After I realized what Rengoku just told me was true I went back to Uzui again, grabbing him by the collar.

"Wait! Stop!" Rengoku yelled and I kicked his stomach. He hissed in pain and spoke again. "Didn't you hear what I said?"

I didn't bother to reply to him, rather kept glaring at Uzui, so badly wanting to punch him in the face again. Raising my hand, balled in a fist with gritted teeth and hesitation I eventually stopped, dropping my arm to the side.

I was breathing heavily from all the anger and hatred I felt towards him for hurting my precious (y/n).

For a split second I closed my eyes, then pointed a finger at that liar, speaking to him through gritted teeth. "You're so fucking lucky!..." I spoke in a low tone. "So fucking lucky that I love my sister more than to hurt her with doing something she doesn't want me to do! Be fucking grateful for a whole fucking goddamn lifetime that I don't kill you on your spot for what you did to her you jerk! I wouldn't care about the rules among us, but my sister means the whole world to me. So don't you ever dare to approach her again in any way or I will fucking hunt you down and finish this, got it?" I threatened.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now