Chapter 51

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Author's note: 2600 words are awaiting you in this chapter and extra information at the end.

Happy reading huns! ❤️


(Y/n)'s POV:

How could I not forgive Kyojuro when he looks at me like that? Behind those eyes that are full of fire, I see nothing but genuineness. No ulterior motives, just pure love and trust.

Besides, I am glad that finally there won't be secrets between us anymore now that the truth is revealed. Despite his past actions on leaving me alone and making up excuses for leaving without an explanation, I can't help but trust and love him still. More than I ever loved anyone in my life before. What we have between us is something very unique and amazing. After what happened with Tengen, I shouldn't be this naive, but Kyojuro never lied to me like Tengen did. He doesn't hide secret wives and doesn't lie into my face when I ask him about something important like that.

Kyojuro was holding my hands between his still, waiting for my answer to his question, and so I answered. "Yes. Yes of course I forgive you."

I moved my hands away from his grasp, placing them on his cheeks. He was surprised for a split moment, his eyes softening a second later. He was staring at me like a begging puppy and I found it so freaking cute.

"Thank you." I whispered to him.

"No, no. I should be thanking you, darling." He whispered back, shaking his head a little, taking my hands in his again and kissing them again and again as a sign of gratitude. "Thank you for... thank you for existing. Really... I cannot express it any way better, I just love you so much and I am so happy you don't want to leave me because of this. I cannot tell how grateful I am for you now, my love." He spoke softly, his words dripping like sweet honey. "I just love you." He whispered, leaning closer to me and planting a kiss on my lips.

We stayed like that for a few more minutes, simply enjoying each others' presence and letting ourselves get lost in this wholesome moment that was happening. That is until Kyojuro spoke up again.

"Let's go to bed, shall we?"

I nodded, not resisting against his suggestion. I needed a good sleep and if he wasn't here, I would probably just toss and turn in my bed. Perhaps with him by my side, I will be able to fall asleep.

And so we stood up to go to my bedroom. However after I took one step, Kyojuro stopped me and picked me up in his arms bridal style, taking me by surprise. "What are you doing?" I asked quietly, giggling a little.

"Just taking my princess to bed." He winked and carried my body around as if I weighed nothing till he was in my bedroom, and tucked me in my bed, joining me on the other side.

He took off his shirt and pants, leaving himself in his boxers to make himself more comfortable since he was still in his 'work clothes', then joined me under the blanket. I also got rid of most of my clothes, then snuggled up to him.

"Come here, love." He whispered, wrapping his arms around me.

I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, forgetting about all of my worries for the time being.

I felt myself safe and sound between his arms, his body heat warming me up and letting me feel all the love in the world he could offer.

His presence alone comforted me and made me forget about how cruel the circumstances were and how cruel fate has been recently. It's an understatement that luck wasn't on my side in the last period of time... Expect for having Kyojuro now of course.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now