Chapter 12

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(y/n)'s POV:

As always, weekend passed quickly. I wanted to spend some more time at home, but it's like I blink once or twice and poof, weekend is over. It's annoying. On top of that, I had to study too. I practiced english as well. It was never never my strength, and now it felt even more difficult to learn since Rengoku is my english teacher.

I mean, who could learn properly after such events that have happened with him? The both of us broke our morality as a student and a teacher. The sexual desire for each other is almost unbearable when we are close. I have no idea what would happen if we got caught.

Oddly enough Rengoku wasn't here in the university today. Our history teacher told us that he called in sick which I found completely bullshit. He was all good a few days ago when-...

Though I had no other choice but wait for him to show up so I could talk to him about the events that happened between us last time. I also found these sudden disappearings of his weird. He did the same thing to me more than once, turning into thin air without any proper explanation...

Rengoku finally came to school the next day and of course I used our extra lesson in the afternoon as an opportunity to question him.

So without greeting him I walked up to his desk in his office and lightly slammed my hands on top of it, gaining his attention. "What was that shit you pulled last time?"

He moved his gaze back on the papers he was working on. "I don't know what are you talking about." I took away his pen from his hand, and finally he was looking up at me. "Give it back... now..."

"No! Not until you explain what was that about. You had your fun and then left me unfinished. How is that fair? And what was the other thing about 'I'm blaming you if we get caught'?" I insisted on getting an answer.

He sighed. "I told you it's part of your punishment. I'm warning you once more... give my pen back."

I clicked my tongue, disapproving of what he said to me. His answer was not good enough, yet I had no other choice but to listen to him or else I had a feeling he would do worse stuff next time if I disobeyed him.

I handed the pen back to him, then sit down at my usual spot waiting for him to tell me what to do. As it seemed he had no intention on doing anything unholy, which frustrated me in a way.

Until he stepped behind my desk and brushed his fingertips on my back. For a second I tensed up and my attention wasn't on the given task anymore.

"Are you sure that's the right answer for that?" He asked when I finished writing my answer for the question on my paper.

"I-" I suck in a sharp breath when his hand found my back again, drawing random circles on it.

"What's wrong?" He acted innocently.

I erased the answer I wrote on the paper with my pencil, heart beating wildly in my chest. "I don't know..."

His teasing went further and further each day and I've had enough. I wanted revenge for his shitty action back in the bar and the teasing he pulled the last few days.

"Good afternoon, proffessor Rengoku." I greeted him as I stepped inside his office the following day, occupying my usual spot after I put my stuff down.

It wasn't fair how he touched me during these extra lessons and then acted like he didn't do anything at all, and because of these actions I've become distracted.

Time to make him distracted as well...

I leant back in my chair and fanned my neck and face with my hand. "Isn't it too hot in here?" I said and unbuttoned the first few buttons on my blouse, revealing my lacy bra I chose for today.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now