Chapter 37

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Rengoku Kyojuro's POV:

~When (y/n) lost consciousness...~

Dammit if I weren't to be around here she would have probably died... What is she doing in this district anyway? This is one of the most dangerous places in the entire city.

Oh well... How could she know that...

"Fuck..." I cursed under my breath before approaching her. She was lying on the ground. "(Y/n)." I tried to call out to her but I received no answer. She lost her consciousness.

I carefully turned her to her side and searched in her pocket for her car key. It wasn't in any of them, only her phone.

I turned my head up and took a look around, then noticed the key on the ground a few meters away ahead. She must have dropped it when she's been attacked.

How the fuck am I going to explain this to her when she wakes up?

"Shit..." I picked up the key, then walked back to her, carefully picking her up before I took her to her car in my arms. She will be knocked out for a quite a while I suppose and she also needs help with her injury.

After sitting the both of us inside the car and made sure her seatbelt is on, I took my phone out and texted Kocho. Only she could help in such a situation. So I told her in a nutshell what happened.

'I'm not in the hospital right now. Take her to my place.' she wrote back.

It was weird to drive someone else's car, but I had no choice right now. I can't just leave it here, nor her.

Fortunately Kocho's place was not too far away and the sooner she can help (y/n) the better. Until she wakes up I can at least think of a way to explain her what happened.

All of this is getting too risky and I understand why Shinazugawa was so angry when he got to know that me and Uzui had a-... something with her... And that's also the reason why I rejected her. I want her to be safe. I want her to be out of all of this. She shouldn't know about anything, but this incident now might ruin everything. She's a curious woman and she wants to know everything. There's no way she is not going to interrogate me when she would wake up.

And if I lied to her again, she would hate me even more. But if it keeps her safe then I don't care... She's already in danger. I assume that's also a reason why Shinazugawa didn't tell anyone who's his sister. We all knew he had one, but he never told it to anyone who she is exactly.

I spoke to him after he warned both me and Uzui. I saw on his face that he wanted to behead me all along and I tried to explain that I didn't know that she is his sister, which is true. I also told him how I feel about her and that I purposely rejected her to protect her from this shit we are in. He appreciated it, but it's getting harder and harder each time I meet her or talk to her. Now it's even more difficult that she's been attacked. I want to protect her. I can't leave her alone like that or else next time she might not be that lucky.

Meanwhile we finally arrived to Kocho's place. She took a look at her wound and patched her up as quickly as she could. As she did so, I told her in details what exactly happened.

Soon I brought (y/n) to my place. She was still sleeping. I really hope she will be fine...

It was quite a difficult task to carry her and open the doors at the same time but I managed to do it, eventually placing her on my bed in my bedroom to let her sleep. Kocho gave her painkillers, but just to make sure I put pills and a glass of water on the nightstand in case she would wake up in the middle of the night and wouldn't feel well.

I had to be quick to put away my stuff though. I must not let her see them...

Half the night I was up, watching some crap movies on the television in the living room. I wanted to be awake when she would wake up and it wasn't easy since I was so exhausted.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now