Chapter 6

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(y/n)'s POV:

Noriko asked the million dollar question. I froze on my seat, because I had no idea what should I answer. Asking if it was Proffessor Rengoku I slept with on the weekend that is.

There was an unpleasant feeling in my throat and my heart almost fell out of my chest as sweat was forming on my forehead. I was nervous.

She kept a straight face for long seconds till she couldn't hold back anymore and burst out laughing like a horse, causing the people on the bus to stare. "You should see your face!" She said, never stopping her laughter.

Awkwardly I started to laugh as well. Was she joking then?

When she calmed down she smiled at me. "God, I will never get tired of teasing you." She coninued. "I was joking. I know you would never sleep with any of the teachers."

"Erm... Uhh... Yeah. I wouldn't." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, left eye twitching from the awkwardness I felt.

"You okay? You look weird." She tilted her head in confusion.

Stop acting weird (y/n)!

"Yeah, yeah. I think I was just surprised." I told her.

"If you say so." She shrugged and we chatted about school for the rest of the ride.

When we arrived at the university, she told me she meets up with someone on the first floor, thus I was left alone.

I was about to approach my usual spot under the tree, but it was occupied by one of the students already, so I searched for a suitable place to sit down. There was still about half an hour left before I had to attend to the first lesson, so I thought I would write a message my sibling.

Finding a wooden bench I plopped down on it and took out my phone. Fortunately he was online, so I took the opportunity and acted fast.

'Hi Nemi, what's up? How are you?' I wrote to him.

A few seconds later I saw him typing, soon receiving a message from him. 'My favourite (y/n). I'm good, how about you?'

I giggled to myself and typed fast, fingers tapping on the screen rapidly as I did so. 'I'm good too. Wait do you have an other (y/n)? *pout*'

'Come on, sweety. You know what I meant.' he was typing again. 'Wanna meet up this week? If you are free of course. I know you're busy with the university.'

'I always have time for my dumpling♡'

For others it might be strange how we call each other by different nicknames. They would think we are lovers. Truth be told, we are very close to each other, sharing everything, helping and taking care of the other. We were half siblings. Our mother was the same, but our fathers were different.

'Okay princess, I have to go now. Work awaits me. Write me a place and time and I will be there. Take care.' he wrote in response.

Unbeknowst to me, I was giggling to myself again. My brother was the sweetest person in my life. For others he is abrasive, hot-blooded, extroverted, and stubborn, often times impulsive and quick to lash out. He is often indifferent towards others and can get mad extremely easily. Mostly he's cold, but acts completely different when it comes to me.

Sanemi Shinazugawa. For me, he's only Nemi.

I stood up from my seat and grabbed my bag, ready to go to class. On my way I met several familiar faces. Classmates, other students, proffessors...

Some students spent their time with learning, some eating, and there were those who spent their time with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Most of them didn't have a clue that after classes their partners were cheating on them with either other students or their teachers. There were only a few exceptions.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now