Chapter 26

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Author's note:
Hehe... 😏


(Y/n)'s POV:

The following morning there was a knock on my front door. I slipped out of Tengen's hold, groaning and cursing who the hell is ruining my beauty sleep.

And recovery sleep since me and Tengen been at it for a couple of rounds...

I got up, put on my silk robe to cover myself and my indoor slipper, soon making my way towards my door. Chains of knocks hit my head like a bomb and I yelled for the person on the other side that I am already on my way.

That didn't stop the knocks however and I clicked my tongue, tearing the door open with a glare.

"I fucking told you I'm co-..." My eyes widened. The person I least expected to see so early in the morning showed up. "K-Kyojuro?"

He stared down at me, gently pushing me to the side to come inside my apartment without asking.

"Hey! I didn't tell you you can come in!" I grabbed his arm, stopping once again in front of him before he could peek inside my bedroom whereas Tengen is still sleeping. I left the door open because I didn't care to close it when I walked out of my bedroom. Getting rid of the continuous banging on my door was more important at that moment.

"We must talk." He said seriously.

"No, I don't want to. I'm... Look I just don't want to talk, I'm busy!" Trying to avoid saying a normal answer I babbled.

"Really? You look like you just woke up." He raised a brow, seeing through me as if I was a glass of water.

"You must go away now, it's not the right time!" I protested, trying to push him towards the exit.

I had to send him away as quickly as possible before Tengen wakes up to all the noises and talking. He would surely come out of the bedroom to check what's going on here.

I almost succeeded with pushing Kyojuro out of my place when a familiar voice behind me spoke up. "What the fuck is this noise so early in the morning? Someone tries to sleep you know." I froze on my spot.

I'm dead. I'm fucking dead... Goodbye world... Cause of death: (L/n) (y/n) died in her twenties and buried herself alive.

"Rengoku?" Tengen stared at him puzzled.

"Uzui? What the-" Kyojuro wore the same face expression as Tengen.

Now I am certain they know each other...

I only noticed now that Tengen wore nothing else but his boxers on himself. That definitely makes things obvious for Kyojuro to understand why he is here.

"Is she that little student you told me about?" Tengen questioned Kyojuro, letting out a small chuckle as if it was such a normal thing to ask.

I begun to panick. Knowing Kyojuro and how possessive he can be, this will lead into a disaster.

I never felt so afraid of anything before. "And here I was thinking you have a bad taste in girls. What a pleasant surprise to see I was wrong. She's a whole fucking meal if you ask me." Another soft chuckle escaped the white haired man.

Kyojuro looked down at me with shock in his eyes. He didn't understand anything. Not that I did. I was confused as hell and never have I ever felt so embarassed before.

He closed the door behind himself, a glare appearing in his fiery orbs. Though he still didn't say a word which scared me.

"I planned to fuck her one more time in the morning, but that's ruined now." Pausing for a moment he continued. "What am I saying... I will still do it, so you better leave unless you wanna join us."

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now