Chapter 54

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I thought back on my words. I said all of them so suddenly and out of heart that I needed some time to recall everything. For a couple of moments I stayed silent, then looked up at Kyojuro for a split second before averting my gaze, smiling to myself shyly.

"Of course I did..." I said quietly.

Of course I did...

I meant every single word from the start till the end. I never encountered anyone like Kyojuro yet. Sure, I had many boyfriends before and I thought those relationships would last forever. Young love... I guess we all had at least one kind of relationship like that in our lives which either ended up horribly, ended up with cheating or toxicity... I had all of those...

With Tengen on top...

But Kyojuro...

He was a whole different story. Now that I think about it, I honestly wished we settled down together in the future. Kyojuro was the type of guy I knew I should never let go, or else I would never find anyone like him again. Someone so caring. Not only I was the one he cared about, but his loved ones, his family, his friends. I was certain he would rather catch a bullet for me or for others, risking himself if I, or anyone close to him was in danger.

Sure we had our flaws in the beginning, but I realized and figured out how he is. And he's the sweetest guy... no... sweetest man I ever met in my entire life. Compared to my previous relationships that is.

He's not only caring, but he's domestic, attentive and so many more things I have always been looking for in a man.

My words were the only thing he needed to hear to act and before he thought further about anything, he walked up to me, pulling me to himself in an abrupt movement, kissing me on my lips passionately.

It took me by surprise, but I responded to his kisses quickly, kissing him back with equal intensity.

How can a kiss like ours can be like this? So hot it would melt the most enormous icebergs one have ever seen. A hot, wet kiss that leaves us both gasping for air.

Once Kyojuro pulled back from me, he brushed my hair out of my face, cupping my cheek with one of his hands as he stared into my eyes. He looked at me with such fondness, so much love. Looked at me as if he never felt so much love for anyone in his life before.

"I want all of that too." He whispered, stroking my face as if I was his most precious gem. "I wish to be with you for the rest of my life as well. I want you to be by my side and want you to be my wife in the future when the time comes. I promise you..." He continued. "You are so precious and I promise you I'm going to be the man you deserve."

"You already are..." I whispered back to him, looking into his eyes.

Deep inside, these words only made me even more certain about what I wanted in the future. And that was Kyojuro. Our dreams, our promises to each other. I wanted it all.

He smashed his lips on mine once again. The kiss started out soft and gentle with just him and me in my apartment. He pulled me closer, his body flush against mine. His lips were warm and soft, and when I opened my mouth slightly, he slipped his tongue in. It was a gentle assault at first, exploring my mouth timidly, but soon turned aggressive as he moaned into my mouth. Our tongues danced together in a sensual tango that left me breathless. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, letting him devour me whole. It was pure heaven.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now