Chapter 23

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(y/n)'s POV:

Back in school. Again... Boring lessons, boring students, boring proffessors... everything is boring and the same as always.

I'm not even in the mood to eat my lunch so I rather put my bento box away back in my bag and took out my english book since that's our next lesson. Probably it's going to be substituion again by another teacher and we are not going to do anything during the entire lesson, but if I don't learn, I will forget everything. Ever since Rengoku doesn't attend to school it was always like that.

"Hey (y/n) guess what!" Noriko popped out of nowhere and sat down beside me at my usual spot on the bench.

I turned to her with a bored expression, mumbling a reply. "What?"

"Professor Rengoku is back in school!" She said excitedly.

Before registering what she said I simply nodded, wearing that same bored expression. But then my eyes widened in surprisement. "What?!"

"Yes yes yes, you heard it right! I just saw him a few minutes ago. He was talking with the principal."

I literally expected everything for today, but not Rengoku coming back. I can earlier imagine an asteroid landing on the university rather than him coming back. He was gone for like 2 weeks. Is that even allowed?

I mean, he's a new teacher and he barely taught us and he disappeared for such a long time.

"Oh, really?" I asked, trying my best to hide from her what I actually thought by hearing the news.

"Yes. It's not a joke. Finally!"

Raising a brow I looked back at her questioningly. "Finally? What do you mean? You were never a fan of english lessons."

She giggled. "Ah, don't be so blind (y/n). Haven't you seen him? I mean, did you take a good look at Rengoku?"

Yeah, I did... I saw EVERYTHING...


She ignored and continued. "His shirt is almost ripping apart over his chest when he crosses his arms. Those buttons almost pop, his voice and god-..." She sighed "He's so handsome. I bet if he had some badass tattoos he would look even better."

Well, he has some on his chest and a few on his back... And it really makes him look better.

"Yeah yeah..." I rolled my eyes, pretending not to be too interested about him.

"What's wrong with you? You never acted like this before. Did I say something wrong?" She asked, opening her mouth to say something. However the bell rang, signaling us that our next lesson starts soon, cutting her off. "Ah, anyway... Let's go."

She abruptly stood up and hurried inside the building to go to our next lesson.

I did the same, grabbed my bag, stood up and walked inside as well, heading towards the classroom.

Noriko wasn't lying... Rengoku really came back and held the lesson regularly as if he didn't miss out two weeks. He taught us well, even someone like me who's not good with foreign languages.

When the lesson has finally ended, I put my stuff away, ready to go home. I know what I told Rengoku... I know he wanted to talk to me. I remember his message and I know that he wants to apologize or perhaps come up with another shitty explanation. Now I'm not really in the mood for it to be honest.

Altough I have a feeling he would find a way to convince me to talk to him...

And as I expected, when I was making my way out of the classroom he called out to me formally.

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now