Chapter 33

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(y/n)'s POV:

When I woke up in the morning the next day, as usual, I took a look at my phone while I was eating breakfast in the kitchen before I would go to the university.

There was a new message coming from my brother.

'I will be waiting for you in front of the university in the afternoon. We need to talk.'

There were no nicknames, no emojis or stickers after his message which made me surprised, because even if he was tired, he would send at least a small heart or something. It made me a bit worried. If he only sent words, that must be something serious he wants to talk about.

Then I noticed the time whe he sent this to me. It was almost 3 am.

During the entire day I couldn't help but think about his message and wonder what he wanted. Usually he would disappear for weeks, months even before meeting me again. He always told me it's due to his job.

A job I know nothing about by the way...

"(Y/n)!" Noriko called out to me, making me halt to a stop. I turned around and waited for her to reach my side. When she did she continued speaking. "Wanna go eat at our usual spot? It's an all you can eat discount today!" She grinned.

It was an opportunity I would gladly take without hesitation. However... Unfortunately I am occupied for the rest of the day after school.

"Whaaaat?" I gasped.

"You heard me." She grinned even wider.

I sighed, disappointed about he fact that I will miss this opportunity. "Awww shit..."

"Huh? Don't tell me that you can't come? I swear (y/n) to the gods that if you come up with another shitty excuse I-"

I cut her off. "No no, that's not the case. I really wanna go but..."

"But?" She raised a brow, waiting for me to continue.

"Sanemi wants to meet me after lessons." I told her.

Noriko grabbed my shoulders, and begun to whine. "But it's an all you can eat event. Please~ we can't miss this."

"I really wanna go, but he sounded serious. Look." I took my phone out and showed his message to her.

She raised her brows almost immediately. "No emojis and all that shit you send to each other all the time?"

"Yupp." I replied.

"Damn he really must be serious. By the way, (y/n)..." She looked up at me. "You know it's fucking weird how you speak to each other most of the time."

I narrowed my eyes. "What the hell does that supposed to mean?"

"You speak to each other like lovers in their first two weeks who just begun dating. It makes me cringe."

I rolled my eyes. She told me this a lot of times and always made me laugh. "Shut up."

She laughed with me and we walked towards the gate together. The both of us looked ahead a second later when we heard a very low voice. A pitch black sport car just parked in front of us.

A lot of students begun staring and whispering. Even Noriko. "Damn, you lucky girl. Your brother is so cool." After those few years we spent together, she knew it too that if a sport car appears in our sight near the school, it's none other than Nemi. "Can I be your sister (y/n)?" She joked.

"Or date him." I joked too. "He broke up with his girlfriend some time ago anyway."

"Whaaat? And you didn't even tell me? You always forget to tell me the most important things!" She pouted. "What happened?"

F#cking Professor Rengoku - AU Rengoku x Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now