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Early Wednesday morning the phones started ringing throughout the castle in Transylvania, Dom climbed out of bed and answered. Sam, Roo, Mitch, Kelz and others watched silently as his knuckles clenched the receiver and his face turned pale. Dom turns to face everyone as he hangs up and says "There is no easy way of saying this, we all need to pack right now and return home ASAP, Barron has been found dead and it looks suspicious."

Carrie and Sam got a hold of Kelz just as she started to collapse to the floor in shock. Carrie says "What happened?"

Dom says "Let's pack and I will relay everything when Kelz is more coherent on the plane."

An hour later they were at the navy port getting ready to board a Hercules, to take them to Petersberg Army base when Kelz blurted out "What happened to our son?"

Dom says "Wait till we're on the plane darling."

Kelz sobs and says random things while Dom scoops her up bridal style and carries her to her seat where he buckles her in as the others get themselves organised. 

Dom says "That was Simone who rang, Barron has been sneaking out and acting weird for a while as we all know. She tried to follow him but lost him in the city, after a few hours of searching she came across one of Kelz's teams, who told her that Barron was in a bad place where he shouldn't have been, he met someone, the team have Barron and cleaned up the mess, they will meet us at home with him and info. The city family are on the road and others are trying to piece things together."

Chelz says "That doesn't say what happened to your son, Dom."

Roo says "Where was he?"

Dom says "Barron was stabbed 12 times. He was found at the amusement park but was killed somewhere else. That's all I know, Simone was so distraught on the phone, she kept saying hurry come home I need you all."

Bev says "Has she told the other kids?"

Dom says "She's waiting for city family to arrive to help her she doesn't want to be alone."

Blue says "Message from Vlad, they will see us soon."

Kelz says "Where is Victoria?"

Dom says "With Daz and Simone at the main house."

John says "Word from Zac he's heading the investigation."

Kelz says "I knew something like this would happen it was just a matter of time."

Chelz says "Don't beat yourself up, we all saw the signs while trying to help guide him."

Meanwhile back in Peterberg at the Ranch, Simone and Darrien were greeting Chompers, Skippy, Leigh, Sontana and their children. Moynnihan, Guinness, and the others had all arrived.

Julius says "Something bad has happened that everyone is here welcome home family."

Chompers says "All your parents are on their way, yes it is bad, I need you all to sit down. Thomas and Jacob, I need you beside Kaitlyn and Victoria. This is not easy for anyone but you all must support each other over the coming days."

Kaitlyn says "It's too early for family to return here."

Chris says "Uncle Chompers, we need to wait for Barron."

Chompers says "He is the reason why we are all coming together. Bad news came to us this morning and we all came straight here. Barron was killed last night or early this morning, his body is on the way here with Nanny Kelz's teams, and Zac is leading the investigation. We all know that Barron has been sneaking off and being very secretive for a while, Simone tried to follow him last night and lost him in the city. He was found in the amusement park but was killed somewhere else, he has multiple stab wounds."

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