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When they arrived home on Sunday Kelz showed everyone the new Panda enclosures, Sonya commented saying 'They are gana love their home and there's plenty for them to explore and thrive'. Andrea and Micheal talked to Kelz in the office about their wedding plans and gave her details about their future home. Kelz told them to send their invites and to see Shelly at the factory. Kelz asked them about a bridal party and they said no as they had been together for so many years. Kelz mind linked Baz, Daz, Jade and Wendy to secretly go and see Shelly to do their bridal attire.

Kelz says "Mustangs are arriving early they will be arriving here tomorrow afternoon they got transport so we don't need to pick them up, We will put them in the pens so I can check them over and chip them etc."

Amanda says "I just got an email saying Tony and his mates have court on Wednesday."

Mitch says "Finally."

Kayne says "They will be doing time the Jackyals are also pressing charges for their imitation patches, we combined it all together. Uncle Dwayne, did you want a cut of what they get?" 

Dwayne says "No they can keep it all."

Charlie walks in saying "Gabby has just handed in her resignation and retirement, she's moving home to look after her elderly parents."

Frank says "I can do the vet."

Kelz says "And just like that you have a new manager."

Kevin says "And me."

Charlie says "Thank you, if you come with me in the morning I will show you everything."

Kelz says "You can follow in my truck as I'm working from here."

Chelsea says "Aunty Jade can you do my hair?"

Jade says "Let's do it now before dinner."

Anya says "Pa can I get mine done?"

Darrien says "Just the dead split ends."

Chelsea says "I want hair like Nan Gemma."

Sheridan says "You can have the dreads but not the colours at school."

Chelsea says "How come the high school kids are allowed colours?"

Sheridan says "Because they are older and dying your hair can cause damage."

Gemma says "Here feel my hair, see how rough and corse it is compared to your nice lovely soft hair. This is what the treatment does."

Chelsea says "I don't want hair like that now."

Barron says "Thanks, Gemma."

Jade says "I know what we can do with your hair for something new." Chelsea sits on a chair at the lounge table and waits for Jade to get her things. When Jade comes back she says "No mirror until I'm finished."

Matt says "Just shave it all off."

Chelsea says "I'm not going bald Grandad."

Matt says "Be cheaper and easy to look after."

Chelsea says "No way. Or you have to wear nothing but dresses for a whole year."

Matt says "No way."

Nancy says "She's got ya there."

Lynda says "Ma for our next dress-up at school us girls could dress as boys, and the boys could dress as girls."

Sheridan says "That would be funny indeed."

Lily says "And the teachers."

Barron says "We did that in high school for a fundraiser."

Gemma says "Anyone see where my babies went to?"

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