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After breakfast everyone made their way towards the clearing, Kelz stopped at Tane's and told everyone she would catch up there was something she needed to do first. When they were out of sight going up the hill between the trees she went to the back paddock and got in saying "Hello dear old friend wana take me for one last ride?" The Mustang stallion snorted and nodded it's head. Kelz says "I bet they have set a few traps on this ride old pal, reckon we can still outdo them?" The stallion gives her a nudge and she says "Ok, hold still." When she gets on she says "Let's show these clowns they can't fool us."

When Kelz was making her way towards the family Mitch says "Oh shit."

Tane, Fritz, Bailey, Rolly and Luke crack up laughing as everyone turns their heads.

Dom says "Looks like she bringing the stallion for his last ride. Who the hell caught him?"

Tane says "We did with much difficulty it's not as though he's tame and broken."

Mitch says "That bitch, I'm so toast."

Carrie says "Geesh the race hasn't even started and you're acting as if you've lost."

Mitch says "He's the king of the Mustangs, how the heck did she even mount him?"

Kelz says "Ya ready?"

Mitch says "Of course."

Kelz pats the stallion's mane and says "Let's give Mitch a head start."

Mitch says "No way."

Dom says "1, 2, 3, go."

Kelz took off with Mitch on her tail. As they go into the trees Kelz sees the first obstacle and neatly jumps over the rope. Dom says "This will be fun, she must've known something, because we set traps all along the course."

Sara says "When are you gana learn you can't pay her back no matter what ya try."

Ritz says "Anyway we can watch the course?"

Dom says "Yip right here on the laptop. Let's watch."

Dom says "Obstacle number 3 is coming up."

Sahara cracks up laughing as Kelz ducked under the broken branch and Mitch hit it with his head.

Sam says "Hope ya didn't make it too easy for her ya know she would be expecting something hence why she choose him to ride."

Dom says "We didn't want to cause any injuries."

Ritz says "Oh my god! is that a cliff?"

Dom says "Mitch only put one in to see how his horse handles it, that stallion is gana fly down it."

Kelz waited at the bottom to watch Mitch come down, after 5 minutes of waiting she goes back up and they help Mitch and his horse Casper come down the cliff.

Ritz says "Now that's sportsmanship."

Tane says "She's gana be having words to him about that later."

Rolly says "Next time Uncle Dom make 2, one extremely hard and dangerous for Aunty and one for the rest of us."

As they near the creek Fly says "They better not break my bridge."

Chelz says "Who's going swimming?"

Aiden says "Mitch is, and Kelz is gana jump it."

Blue says "For our baby brother I totally agree."

As Casper stops and Mitch goes half over his head James says "That idiot is pranking himself, so much for you's paying Kelz back."

Whispers says "Least we get the laugh of watching him make a bigger fool of himself."

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