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The following morning as they were sitting for breakfast Sara says "You have 3 days starting today, and to top that challenge you're not allowed to ride ya own horses."

Kelz smirks as Mitch grumpily says "Fine. But we will wait till after the storm has passed and clean up is finished."

Winston says "Aunt Katie your ride is better than I thought, think I might need to build myself one."

Kaitlyn says "Told ya it's a dream."

Kelz says "We have visitors arriving shortly, they will be staying in the quarters."

Tyrone walks in saying "Howdy family, sorry Aunty we arrived early."

Alex says "Hi family, and in time for breakfast."

Jerrad says "Morning all, geesh you lot have grown since we last saw yas. Winston, you need to stop growing you're nearly taller than me mate."

Dom says "Good to see ya's, hows life on the road been?"

Alex says "Jerry took time off on a mission for Pa, otherwise it's been bliss."

Cilla shakes her head and rubs her eyes whispering "It can't be that's Shawn."

They all heard her and turned their heads Jerrad says "Cilla? Oh my god, how the hell did you get out and end up back here?"

Cilla says "Shawn? Where's Mel?"

Jerrad says "Short story, Pa rang me and said he had a special mission for me, I was to pose as Mel's husband. Mel is actually Gemma Aunty Diamante's daughter. We were to spy and see what was going on with Bobby and to ensure Cilla's safety. We tried many failed attempts to get Cilla out. Gemma blew her cover when she was caught in Bobby's secret study trying to break through his codes, which resulted in both of us being untrustworthy, he beat me up I woke in the hospital, Gemma is still in hiding at home."

Cilla says "Someone knocked on my window, held up a note saying be ready in 3 days run to the family farm. They found me at the Rezort yesterday."

Kelz says "Why were there so many failed attempts?"

Jerrad says "I'm sure we had a leak, or Bobby had our phones tapped, but Pa assured us that wasn't the case. The more Gemma started poking around the more she was blowing our cover, I didn't know what Gemma was doing until the last attempt where someone beat me with wire on a stick. I bluffed being dead and they just left me there. I managed to crawl to the road where someone saw me and called for help."

Kelz says "When Bobby found Gemma snooping the first few times he let it go, but then he started getting suspicious, so he planted a bug in her bag, in her coat, and in a hairpin he had found. These are pics of those bugs, as you see they are very tiny, they also don't get picked up by any scanner."

Jerrad says "If I had known what Gem was doing I would've changed things. I'm so sorry Cilla that we failed you, but I'm glad to see you are here and safe. Aunty Kelz you know he will never stop looking for her."

Kelz says "We all know Jerry, but we are ready. I made contact with him last night and he is not ready to talk or reason, he now knows he is on Firefly's radar and on the border of death, at the moment it is checkmate awaiting his next move."

Tyrone says "We are here to hide from the storm that's coming, but we also came to show Si our support."

Alex says "If you don't mind we want to stay home."

Simone says "I missed you guys, always saddened me when you left because I never knew when I would ever see you again."

Kelz says "You can stay in the quarters or stay with family."

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