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On Saturday morning they all went home to the ranch, after unpacking Kelz had everyone assembled on the veranda and said, "There is only one building that I haven't shown which we have always done as a whole family, Lily you're the youngest would you like to show?"

Lily nods and skips off with everyone following, when she stops inside she says "This is the games and karaoke area. " Then she goes to the stairs and waits.

Lynda says "All the games are free they have no coin boxes. Let's follow Lily and then you can do whatever."

Lily leads them up the stairs when they reach the top she says "This is the gym area. In the walls are cupboards and draws with lots of stuff, the showers and lockers are over there."

Ryan says "GG open the cupboard and you will see the stereo system, you can say volume up and down, change song, change radio station."

Draco says "Holy shit what don't you have?"

Polly pushes a button and says "On here you can choose a programme, and Nanny Kelz added other combat things for the Firefly team. Let's carry on Lily."

Lily leads upstairs and says "Welcome to the music room."

Gary says "Holy shit."

Yana says "I bring the school kids here monthly to use the recording studio. We can use it whenever. Let's give them a wee demo, while they get ready we don't need to use the studio, as everything is recorded by using these buttons, we have stage lights that we can control or put them on auto like this and they go with the beats."

Merlin says "This is better than the studio we used."

Kelz says "You can all work from here or in the city Yana and Cecil will see to everything else."

Dom takes Kelzy's hand and leads them through the trees to their special place, where they sit on the log seat and look out over the creek. Kelz says "What's up Mr Wolf?" Dom says "Nothing I just wanted you to myself." Kelz says "I don't think any of us got much of that." Dom says "Was Fly really that bad going through the city?" In the mindlink, Kelz sends him images Dom says "After all these years I thought he would've taken it better than that." "He's just scared of the money. Everything is primarily under our 3 names. Glen's family are causing him issues wanting him to go back and look after them he's told them he's not going back and they have to learn to look after themselves, he gave some of the old employees jobs in the family business." "What else have ya got cooking?" "I was thinking of a medical lab in the hospital, but with the research stuff it could harm patients so I'm thinking of building a research lab with a medical university, everywhere needs more hospital employees maybe use some geniuses so people can get their degrees quicker. I will talk to Eve and Ivan and see what they think." "The bands love their homes and said they will work here and go to the city for concerts and events. The medical lab will need talks with the council and get the community behind it as well." "I will talk to Eve and Ivan and then I will approach the council and then together we will hold a public meeting with lunch." Sam mindlinks saying "Sorry to cut in but Miracle is wanted on the CB." Dom says "Let's go might be an emergency."

As they walk in the back door Kelz says "Who called?"

Sam says "Ritz."

Kelz goes to the CB and says "Miracle to Ritz come back over." "Ritz here, can anyone please come help? I have a lot of people and I can't keep up." "Be there shortly." 

Kelz says "If anyone wants to go help Wendy she's swamped, and needs hands."

Kayla says "Polly and I are going if anyone wants a ride."

Candace says "I'll come."

Chelz says "Carol, Roza and I are coming."

Kelz says "Make haste, call if you need more hands, Sam did she not say anything when she called?"

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