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After dinner when everyone was settled around the fire Tilly and Kelz pushed out 2 trollies with 2 6 tier cakes. Kelz says "This cake first Carson blue ribbon, Soph pink ribbon, slowly pull the ribbons towards you."

As they pulled the bottom three layers changed to blue icing and the top 3 changed to pink, then they showed photos of them from when they were born till they were about 10 years old. When it finished Kelz says "Stop. Sophie hold ya ribbon still, Carson keep going."

Carson pulled the ribbons and they saw what his childhood was like at home and school. When it finished Kelz said, "Carson stop and hold. Sophie pull slowly."

As Sophie began to pull they saw her living on the streets and how she met Kelz, then it showed her in an orphanage doing schoolwork, then it showed her getting on a plane and hiding in Kelz's business building. When it finished Kelz says "Now both of you slowly pull."

As they pulled it showed photos of how they met and started falling in love, with Carson trying to court her, while she shrugged him off. Then it showed them having fun playing with the kids on the ranch. When it finished Kelz says "Keep pulling."

As they kept going the words 'NICE TRY' showed on the fourth layer, then 'Congratulations' on layer one, then layer 5 was 'SUCKERS', layer 2 said 'About Time', layer 6 said 'I DARE YOU TO PUT YA HANDS IN ME', as they slowly and sceptically put their hands in layer 3 said 'Love From All Your Family'. Then the cake blew up all over them with everyone laughing as they got showered in cake icing and cream.

Sophie says "What a bitch."

Carson says "For Fuck Sake."

Tilly says "Wipe ya faces and cut this cake."

Heath says "What a great way of telling and showing their story."

Sophie says "Don't you dare apologize again, Kelz left out those parts."

Eve stands and gives Sophie a hug saying "You have come such a long way over the years and you are still aiming for high goals, you are the best little sister ever, but that cake was amazing."

Grace says "The icing changes colour with each bite, I've never seen anything like it."

Kelz says "Kids stand up, now poke ya tongues out."

When they did they were all laughing at each other because their tongues were all different colours that glowed. Tilly says "Something different for them, it will wash away when they brush their teeth."

Eli says "This whole day has been an absolute blast, thank you again for inviting us and including our kids and having us join your celebrations."

Dom says "We are all family and no thanks are needed."

Joy says "The laughs and tears of pure happiness, no amount of money can buy this."

Caleb says "Guess being your brother I better say something."

Sophie says "Don't you dare, like Kelz you have many embarrassing tales."

Caleb says "Hmmm where to begin the time you decapitated Eve's dolls and threw them in the pool and Grandpa thought someone had pooped so had it fully cleaned, or the school disco where you tripped and face planted the floor, or the time you tripped on ya dinner dress and rolled down the stairs because you forgot to put ya shoes on."

Sophie says "Shut up asshole."

Anne says "You swear in front of kids go to bed."

kelz says "The time I picked her up from the plane, and when she went to get her bags they weren't there, she searched the whole airport, then went to security and the staff and no one could find her bags."

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