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New Year's Eve morning Dimka had assembled all their teams to ensure everything got done to Kelz's timetable and ran smoothly. Vlad and Lanette were in their rooms waiting for the Shaman and their wedding parties to help them get ready. As the day wore on and things were coming together Kelz and Tilly disappeared while they left instructions for others to oversee everything.

Just after dinner, the Shaman stood at the edge of the lake while everyone gathered around the wide open space, with some of Kelz and Dimka's most trusted to greet the guests and have them seated. When the band began to play a mixture of kids from the orphanage, Lanette's family, the wolf pack, Kelz's family and Lucian's coven walked down the aisle with the girls throwing petals. When they reached the front Lanette's sisters, Gabby, Veronica, Erica, Tania, Lenora and Meadow walked down the aisle with Sam, Fly, Dom, Radar, Stefan and Lev. Then Vlad, Kelz and Dimka walked down. Then the music changed as Foxglove walked Lanette down the aisle and everyone gasped and cheered.

Shaman Bolan went through the old traditional rituals conjoining the two fated life souls of purebloods from times long past and forgotten. As he neared the finish the sun was going down and the full moon was shining brightly. As he was saying the last few words a white orb danced above lake coming closer to them followed by two bright blue orbs on either side, as  Bolan finished the words the two blue orbs transpired into two ladies wearing long blue gowns with tiaras and flowers in their long blue-black hair, the white orb transformed into a lady with silver hair and a lacy white gown with bright silver eyes, they were all barefoot and hovered just above the ground.

Lucian says "Esme?"

One of the Blue ladies turns to him with a big smile on her face while the lady in white says "Good evening my beautiful babies."

Ashera says "Ghia?"

"I have many names and that is one of them. It has been over a thousand years since we had a pureblood pairing it's been a long time waiting for Lanette's return home to take the crown that is rightfully hers with Vlad at her side. Many of you had doubts about the fates, some of you wanted to go against the fates and the trusted few who can rely on each other did so and even consulted the old books. Some of you need to rethink your roles and priorities, some of you need to stop thinking you are more worthy. The years have brought many changes, including our amazing Firefly. We came to share the celebrations and to hopefully sway the bad minds in a different direction."

Kelz bowed and said, "Ghia our moon mother and goddess it's an honour and a pleasure to have you join us today, we didn't find much in the old books, what we did find we mixed with Ashera's and Foxglove's stories from before the great war and we mixed it together with the present day."

Ghia bends down and holds Kelz's hands saying "Rise my child, what you did find and what you all created is absolutely spontaneous and gorgeous. You my dear Firefly have a heart and mind like no other, and to answer your question I need your husband to come here." When Dom stands beside Kelz Ghia takes one of his hands as well and continues "You have both asked one question many times over the years and your answer is yes." Then she let their hands go and stood beside the other two people.

Esme says "I am Lucian's oldest sister, Esme, I can't believe the fates waited this long, watching Dimka and his brothers come up with ideas on how to break the curse was very funny to watch. I'm happy to be here today to witness this long awaited wedding."

Ashera says "We forgive you, Essy, we miss you so much life hasn't been the same without you."

Esme says "My dearest best friend and sister if I hadn't of stepped in the worst would've happened and I'm always around never far always watching."

"I am Utah, Lucian and Esme are my disciples and my bloodline, though I didn't have a hand in helping Lanette I did help Vlad to keep the council on their toes. Still, you fools think you can beat fate, I think Dimka and Firefly need to appoint a whole new council more worthy of the laws and the fates and most importantly fair to all."

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