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At the Rezort Kelz says "Someone show the newbies their rooms, lunches are already prepared and waiting on the kitchen bench. Be quick, kids go get your wetsuits on." 

Kelz and her bunch of kids got changed and waited for everyone by the sheds. When everyone was gathered she said, "The first shed is kids and animals toys. The second shed has canoes, kayaks, floaties and things that go off the bank or pier and go downstream, all of these sheds have wet suits and lifejackets of all sizes for everyone, anyone can use we just ask that when you are finished put it away where you got it from." Then she carries on walking and says "Jump on any ride as we go, load up and head out, will give us more time on the water. Shed three has jet skis all sheds are fully equipped."  Then she walks and stops between the next 2 and says "These next 2 sheds have jetboats with water boards, skis and biscuits." When they get to the  next 2 she says  "These 2 have hovercrafts." When they get to the next shed she says "Next shed is Bomber and the last is mine and my bunch of kids. Have fun load up let's go."

When everyone was gone Kelz mindlinked Luke to wait till the others had gone then go and she would follow. Kelz and the kids snuck into the 7th shed and she said "New toys, we get the first ride, we will dive under and come up under them and do stunts in the air beside them. They are easy to operate, get in and I will give you a few quick lessons as we go."

When the jetskis, boats and hovercrafts met on the lake they looked back and saw Sam and Roo learning to drive Luke's creation and wondered where the others were. Roo slowed down as they came closer to everyone else, when they stopped Sam pushed other buttons and the decking and submarine showed themselves. Toby says "Holy fucken hell you made the dream? This was our getaway car to run away from home."

Just then some semi-submersible rides flew up out of the water and dove back down three of them somersaulted then circled around them getting closer, when they came to a standstill Kelz opened her door and said, "New toys arrived."

Luke says "Kelz swap and teach some others how to operate."

Kelz says "Toby you need to change ya pants, I know you jizzed don't deny it."

Toby says "Where the hell do you expect me to change?"

Fly says "Right where ya are."

Toby says "Bloody hell, hold a towel up."

Whispers says "What towel? they all at camp."

Bryan says "Start stripping or no ride nephew."

Baz says "I could've had a ride and come back waiting for you."

Toby had his wetsuit off and was wrapping a blanket around his waist when he said "Shut up nephew."

Kelz says "How the hell you gana jump ship in that?"

Toby says "Easy."

Kelz teleported in front of him took the blanket off and rearranged it so it just covered his private areas and teleported him into Luke's submarine. Once aboard she told him the story and then instructed him to drive.

When they stopped for lunch Fly said, "Brothers need to teach the others how we pack up for winter. You older teens need to help the younger ones at their play area, while the rest of us empty the pools and put everything away."

Toby says "Do we have time for a ride tomorrow?"

Dom says "Yes that's why we here for 3 days."

Jesse says "Can I have a ride in one of those new things?"

Rooster says "I'll take ya."

Kelz, Opal, Suzie, Daniel, Chris, Dom and Sam got the toddler skis ready. Toby says "They look so cute. Look how tiny they are. I can't believe you made it, Kelz told me the story before telling me how to drive."

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