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When they got home they put the horses away, unharnessed the wagon and put the decorations away. Then they loaded up their trucks and went to the Butchers' house where a few people were lingering outside the house while others were inside singing and chattering. The family made their way in the front door and went straight to the lounge while Kelz and Dom walked around till they found Bow and Gloria sitting in a bedroom alone talking and comforting each other. Dom knocked and Bow gestured for them to enter and Kelz closed the door behind her.

Bow says "As though things weren't hard enough with Ben now we have to suffer with Emma as well." 

Dom says "What can we do to help?"

Bow says "Kelz is doing all the arrangements, and Goria has a few things picked out. I'm gana need extra time off work if that's ok?"

Dom says "You take all the time you need with full pay. What else?"

Gloria says "Joan and Aunty Maisy are gana help sort Mum and Ben's things."

Kelz says "There's no rush for any of that, all you need to worry about is each other. Is there anything specific you want done or need?"

Bow says "Our brains aren't working to cope with anything."

 Dom says "That's fine when do you want the funeral?"

Kelz says "It's in 3 days at the ranch, do you have clothes packed to come stay?" 

Bow says "Over there."

Kelz says "I will get someone to get them, I'm going to leave shortly but before I do I will make an announcement, so everyone can make their way to the ranch."

Bow stands supporting Gloria and gives Kelz a hug saying "Thank you."

Kelz left the room and made her way downstairs telling people to get on the front lawn as she passed them, then she went to all rooms downstairs and the backyard telling them all to get on the front lawn and then she stood by the front door and waited for everyone to arrive and settle down. When everyone was settled Dom and Fly stood on either side of Bow and Gloria and Caz got their bags.

Kelz says "First off can all Ben and Emma's family stand to my right please, my family will bring you all to the ranch, everyone can make their way to the ranch, while I run a couple of errands, I need the verandah doors to the lounge open for when I return with the coffins." Then she turned to the family and said, "Do any of you want to be ball-bearers?" Rory and Charlie stepped forward along with Emma's twin brothers Travis and Trevor. 

Kelz says "I need 4 of my brothers to join them and come with me."

Gloria says "Can I bring my things?"

Kelz says "You can do that when we have them home, that way you are not rushed."

Gloria says "I will stay with Dad."

Kelz says "Stay strong and support each other we will be back soon."

At the morgue, they all followed Kelz into the back room where her coffin had just arrived and they were getting ready to place the bodies. Kelz says "Charlie and Rory do you want Emma on her side or her back?"

Charlie says "On her side with Ben cradled into her."

Rory says "So long as they can face each other and know they aren't alone."

Kelz helps the undertakers to move them and when they finish she says "How's this?"

Charlie says "Perfect, thank you for your help and for creating this lovely coffin for them."

Dom says "Would you like a few minutes alone before we take them home?"

Travis says "Yes please."

Dom, Kelz, Sam, Fly, Carson and Leo stood outside the door and whispered while they waited. Ten minutes later Travis opened the doors for them to go back in. 

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